We had a few problems last night with the site that resulted in an intermittent service and then a complete failure. We believed the problem was resolved about 3am GMT but then continued until 8:30am GMT undetected.
Timeouts have therefore been suspended for 24 hours.
Apologies, as always, for when this kind of thing happens.
This problem clearly was not solved earlier, but we believe the problem has been identified, and we will be monitoring the situation closely for the rest of the day.
The public games page has had a limitation put in place as a result, you may now only search for games, and they are not listed by last move for the entire site.
This is NOT cool at all. Timeouts have occured on me in the past, so I therefore timeout anyone that plays me. It is part of this website. Now I have 2 games I can timeout but can't because there suspended. AWFUL! I have one question. What if this person moves during the suspension and now I can't claim the timeout. Is that fair?
Originally posted by griffpusherIt's totally unfair, and the idea that you may have to play out the games is horrifying. If I were you, I'd ask to get my money back and leave the site. It's outageous.
This is NOT cool at all. Timeouts have occured on me in the past, so I therefore timeout anyone that plays me. It is part of this website. Now I have 2 games I can timeout but can't because there suspended. AWFUL! I have one question. What if this person moves during the suspension and now I can't claim the timeout. Is that fair?