A reminder to all who post in these forums.
This site does require all members to be at least 13. It clearly isn't aimed at younger children.
Despite this, we expect all posted content to be appropriate for this site. And this includes links out to content that would be considered inappropriate should it be posted directly here.
If you wish to post or link to content that would be considered inappropriate, please find a forum site that caters to your tastes elsewhere on the internet.
The forum guide is available here :
Public Forum Posting Guide
Just a further note to state that the moderators here are volunteers who give up their own time on a largely thankless task. There is not always a moderator present, and content that would otherwise be removed right away can often remain for sometime.
If you are a subscriber please use the alert button for content that is clearly inappropriate. This really helps the process of removing such content promptly. Thanks.
Edit : The sticky thread in the General forum will last just 24 hours.
Originally posted by RussWhy not let non-sub-scum have the alert button - they are offended as much as subscribers by inappropriate material?
Just a further note to state that the moderators here are [b]volunteers who give up their own time on a largely thankless task. There is not always a moderator present, and content that would otherwise be removed right away can often remain for sometime.
If you are a subscriber please use the alert button for content that is clearly inappropriat ...[text shortened]... ent promptly. Thanks.
Edit : The sticky thread in the General forum will last just 24 hours.[/b]