To members of the clan community.
As you all know, McTayto’s antics and abuse of the clan feature, as well as the tournament feature, have been well documented.
As a refresher, he has been deliberately tossing tournament games to misrepresent his rating for clan games and thus allow his clan leader Lemondrop to carry out this farce with his clan this season.
I won’t name his clan as he has the habit of changing the name frequently, possibly to elude scrutiny from other clan leaders.
I have provided examples of McTayto’s tossed games over the course of this year.
These represent samples of his activity.
I can safely say that the number games he tosses is easily into the hundreds.
This week, I decided to do something different..
I looked at every one of lemondrop’s clan challenges in 2019 so far.
I focused on every challenge involving McTayto and nullified his games from the challenge result.
This would be similar to a clan game being zeroed out if the game didn’t make it to 5 moves.
This was actually quite easy to do. It took about 1 hour of my time.
Up to the end of July, this data adjustment of removing McTayto’s games from the clan challenge results in Lemondrop’s clan net points total being reduced by 360 points !!
I make an assumption here.
That being that the method I have used manually here is the method Russ would use should he decide to take any kind of action against these individuals.
I believe that this is what Russ used in 2016.
Russ wrote a batch job, I collected the data manually.
To account for possible errors on my part I will allow a margin of +/- 5% on the number I have provided above.
Also, I looked at the net points only.
Russ’s algorithm would adjust every column on the clan table.
Some will ask why I did this.
I wanted to acquire some measure of the extent of the cheating by these individuals.
Simply posting links to games just leads to “issue fatigue” amongst the clan community.
Putting a number out there gives a clear indication of the extent of the fiasco being perpetrated.
Some final comments.
I will continue to calculate net points adjustment from removing McTayto’s games from the challenges going forward this year at each month end.
That will take about 10-15 minutes of my time per month.
I will present a case before year end for some corrective action as well as some punitive measures.
At this time, I have no idea how Russ will respond.
That will be his decision.
He will have to decide whether it was a mistake to reinstate McTayto after an 18 month suspension.
This character returned to his behaviour immediately after he was reinstated.
I’m sure Russ is aware of this.
Russ has done a similar data correction before.
So he knows what to do.
Since McTayto plays for more than 1 clan, I expect that other clans will be affected.
I have noticed that Lemondrop has started this same practice of tossing non clan games.
I won’t bother posting his games.
His kind of behaviour, by a clan leader at that, is worthy of some punitive measure as well.
Perhaps a clan suspension. But that is for site administration to decide.
I expect there will be the usual grumbling about Metallica.
That’s fine by us. We can and will defend ourselves against any accusations.
What’s more important here is that the clan community is on the same page when it comes to McTayto and Lemondrop.
Other issues, like improvements to the clan feature, can be addressed in another discussion.
You may also want to look at the clan standings in 2010 (the first year I joined a clan).
22 pages on the clan table. At 20 clans per page, that is >420 clans.
Today, the clan table has 6 pages. That is <120 clans !!
As of today, this year’s clan standings show that, aside from Metallica and lemondrop’s clan, no clan has reached 200 net points.
The writing is on the wall !!
I welcome comments on this from all sides.
Lemondrop can comment when he comes back from his 106 day self imposed exile from the forum.
If he has the guts to show his face in this forum sooner, that’s fine too.
@shortcircuit saidYour post got alerted to site administration.
I have long stated that McCheater must go if you want any normalcy in this game.
He is the scourge of RHP.
Watch your spelling ! 😆
You would think, and it has long been lobbied to do this for several years.
However, it means more work for the management so it has fallen on hard times.
What did I misspell?? Does someone go by the name McCheater, or do they feel they fit the name? Perhaps a guilty conscious??? Damned if I do and damned if I don't. If I say his name and call him a cheat, I get in trouble. If I refer to a different name and he assumes it is him, why am I guilty of anything? If he says it was him, then he admits his guilt simultaneously. And if he admits his guilt, then I am only speaking the truth. If he says it wasn't him, then there was no foul. They cannot have it both ways. Think about it!!!!
Thank you.
I value your input and participation in addressing and seeking solutions to these issues.
My gut feel is that Russ is addressing this with a larger picture in mind.
The punitive solution is the easy part.
He's done it before.
I think he's going to take a serious look at this feature.
Our role in the clan community is the monitoring and providing feedback.
"You may also want to look at the clan standings in 2010 (the first year I joined a clan).
22 pages on the clan table. At 20 clans per page, that is >420 clans.
Today, the clan table has 6 pages. That is <120 clans !! "
True and it is a shame.
Much less involvement overall within the clans, the Leagues have also died.
People are losing interest more and more within the clans.
I'm not really sure why, but it seems something has been demotivating folks.
The childish shenanigans we oft times see on the forums do not help matters.
As I've said before, any newcomers to the site who may potentially be interested in joining a clan would no doubt visit the forum first...
Truth is... it's meant to be a bit of fun, perhaps harmless banter,
but there are a select few who take it too seriously and ruin it for everyone else.
Can @mghrn55 or someone bring the rest of us up to speed on what's been happening in this RHP clan news that I've only managed to get pieces of here and there? Has @Mctayto finally been banned from clan play for good? What about @lemondrop 's clan's (whatever it's called this week) points? Have all the games leading to the excess clan points been annulled, or just the points removed? I see Metallica back in the lead in Net Points, but I'm skimpy on the details. Someone clue me in, please.