Originally posted by robbie carrobieThanks for that, he is a decent player. Listen to this guy, O'Carolyn's Draught, pretty good and smooth, just came across it listening to your cous.
hi, here is some links to my cousin playing some acoustic guitar. i hope you like it - regards robbie.
This guy is really good! Listen to this one in DADGAD, it's much better than the last piece I found. I gather he's French.
Originally posted by robbie carrobieFor folk music, you don't need to read music, just listen close and play it. Or get a good ear music teacher or mentor. Having music parties is a great way to learn. Have musicians over to the house, get drunk, stoned, whatever and have them teach you stuff.
my cousin thinks that he is mince at playing the guitar, but these other players are really beautiful, thanks, if only i could read more than a bar a week 🙂