22 Nov 10
Originally posted by Pawn Qween🙂
Tell!!! Which asylum?
Herrison Hospital, the main late 18th century asylum and Herrison House ( a newer addition right next door, a 'shell shock & combat fatigue' resthome for masses of WWI victims ). It's now been developed, sadly for the likes of me, and been reassigned the village title of 'Charlton Down' in Dorset... one thing I will say is that THE most expensive apartments are in the old 'padded cells' building...we're talking in excess of 1M !
EDIT: '93 a couple of us ran the gauntlet with security, tut tut, took some fotos and wandered the vast interlinked buildings..I later had permission from the trustees.
Originally posted by avalanchethecatI thought the Tommy Knockers was the strangest story I ever read.
I've nearly finished Joe Hill's book of short stories ("20th Century Ghosts"😉. It's alright - I'm not really a fan of short stories - but I can't recommend his two novels highly enough. His prose reminds me of Stephen King's, but I think he may be a better writer.
Including the Bible. 😉