Originally posted by buckkyI went there a few years ago. I was on a business trip and had the evening to myself, so I decided to take a drive over and check it out. It's not often I get to Florida. The Dali Museum was amazing. I'm really glad I went.
I recently visited the Dali museum in Florida. It's fantastic. Dali might have sold out as far as doing all he could to generate money but I love the guy.
It makes me a little nervous though, seeing all those incredible works of art stored so close to the water, especially with all the hurricanes and flooding lately in that part of the country.
I'm not an expert of arts and, actually, all I know about Dali (or have heard about him) is that he's paintings usually have objects in motion or simply mid-air but what I really like is Halsman's Dali Atomicus. That's truly an amazing photo.
Here's the link if someone hasn't seen it - http://pics.livejournal.com/alphamomentum/pic/0001xyfy