Jeff Buckley meets mid-70s Split Enz meets Rock Horror Picture Show meets Kronos Quartet meets Queen meets Blue Nile...
If you give it a listen and think of any more "meets", please feel free to add here.
3 different links to the same file:
This reminds me a lot of a week I spent with 2 house-mates back in college. We locked ourselves in the house with a lot of intoxicants of various types and tried to record an album on a combination of a 4track and copy of Logic Audio PLatinum which none of us really knew how to use. The result was not dissimilar to this album, although imagine a lot of kitchen utensils and electrical devices not intended for musical use instead of the other instruments. I enjoyed it, it brought a smile to my face about simpler times. Cheers for that and also a belated thank you for your Zappa links of past posts.