What is it about reading that you love? I found that when I meet people, or see people I haven't seen in a while I usually ask what they are reading or recently finished. When friends say the stopped reading because of time or whatnot I am kind of disappointed in them. What I love about reading is the mental exercise of imagining a different world/place/time. I'm not trying to come off as snobby and there are lots of movies I love, I just think books really work the mind, and no two people "see" the same story in a book.
I love the fact that you can live a 1000 different lives through reading, see places you never could see, do things you never could do yourself.
Since we don't have the global neural network that Phillip K Dick wrote about in Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep, it's the nearest thing we can get to connecting to the global consciousness.
And I just love a good story.
Originally posted by cheshirecatstevensIt shows they don't live up to your expectations and it shows that, in your mind, they would be inferior with respect to an equivalent person who reads.
So you believe disappointed equates to superiority?
Like I said, you're a dick.
A trolling one at that.
You even admit it sounded snobbish.