16 Feb 20
@sonhouse saidOne side is as bad as the other.
Like he would heed that advise. He would just say 'go to hell, I have my King Donald on my side'.
The dims used Roger Stone to troll Trump, Trump sends out tweets to troll the dims. Tweets that were ineffectual at influencing Barr (and the dims know it) but extremely effective at giving them an opportunity to act all self-righteous.
Don't come at the Trump, Trump, Trump thing. Both are as bad as each other.
The solution is less of the both of them, less of the whole organisation known as goobermint.
@sonhouse saidL E S S goobermint sonhouse, read the post again it said L E S S.
Ah, so, no gommint, no taxes, no military, no defense against criminals, no health care, got it. Paradise.
To be clear that's an L followed by an E followed by an S followed by an S
Here's another one:
'I' followed by a 'D' followed by a 'J' followed by a 'I' followed by a 'T'
What do you get? Answer: a sonhouse.