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198th mass shooting in US this year

198th mass shooting in US this year



Good grief.

From the BBC:

Most adults aged 21 or over in Texas are allowed to carry a handgun without a licence, unless they have a previous conviction. In addition, there are few restrictions on possession of rifles and shotguns.

Are you Americans sure, I mean really sure, that your gun laws aren’t a problem?

I mean, a Wayoma, Metal Brain or any other of thr lunatic right on this forum, could be toting a gun around in public, if they lived in some US states. How bloody scary is that then?
Moronity mixed with inbreeding, a lack of education and backed up by a shotgun.

Surely that’s just asking for it?

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@shavixmir said
Good grief.

From the BBC:
Most adults aged 21 or over in Texas are allowed to carry a handgun without a licence, unless they have a previous conviction. In addition, there are few restrictions on possession of rifles and shotguns.

Are you Americans sure, I mean really sure, that your gun laws aren’t a problem?

I mean, a Wayoma, Metal Brain or ...[text shortened]... ith inbreeding, a lack of education and backed up by a shotgun.

Surely that’s just asking for it?
I'm going to be conservative here and say 80% of the shootings were by bleeps.

BTW, lived in the US for about 6 years, enjoyed it, the 2nd amendment is something they've definitely got right.

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@wajoma said
I'm going to be conservative here and say 80% of the shootings were by bleeps.

BTW, lived in the US for about 6 years, enjoyed it, the 2nd amendment is something they've definitely got right.
"Here's your sign."


@wajoma said
I'm going to be conservative here and say 80% of the shootings were by bleeps.

BTW, lived in the US for about 6 years, enjoyed it, the 2nd amendment is something they've definitely got right.


@shavixmir said
Good grief.

From the BBC:
Most adults aged 21 or over in Texas are allowed to carry a handgun without a licence, unless they have a previous conviction. In addition, there are few restrictions on possession of rifles and shotguns.

Are you Americans sure, I mean really sure, that your gun laws aren’t a problem?

I mean, a Wayoma, Metal Brain or ...[text shortened]... ith inbreeding, a lack of education and backed up by a shotgun.

Surely that’s just asking for it?
🙄 Note the you write about the problem of criminals with guns. Note that you do not write that we have to carry a gun so that we can protect ourselves. Our society is continuously filling itself with cretins, many more than those of the UK. What is it with the void of thinking that undermines every thought that liberals have?
If you were King, would you take away the guns of law abiding citizens?


@averagejoe1 said
🙄 Note the you write about the problem of criminals with guns. Note that you do not write that we have to carry a gun so that we can protect ourselves. Our society is continuously filling itself with cretins, many more than those of the UK. What is it with the void of thinking that undermines every thought that liberals have?
If you were King, would you take away the guns of law abiding citizens?
nobody is talking about banning all guns, you lying imbecile.

We are talking about gun control. In all civilized countries they have gun control and they still have guns. Surprise surprise, few to no mass shootings.


This is pointless. The US decided long ago they would rather have dead people than fewer guns. That the profits from selling guns are more important than human lives.


@wajoma said
I'm going to be conservative here and say 80% of the shootings were by bleeps.
If for "bleep", you mean "Trumptard redneck", I'm sure you're correct.

If not, you're a racist sack of excrement.


@zahlanzi said
nobody is talking about banning all guns, you lying imbecile.

We are talking about gun control. In all civilized countries they have gun control and they still have guns. Surprise surprise, few to no mass shootings.
As I have often said,, you do not have the culture problems that we do. And, many liberals have voted to ban guns. We all agree that all can have guns with exception of AK47, etc. But as you say, we speak here of gun control . I am glad you pointed that out.
So, are you OK with my legally carrying a gun on my waist walking anywhere? All due respects, that is a yes or no.


@zahlanzi said
This is pointless. The US decided long ago they would rather have dead people than fewer guns. That the profits from selling guns are more important than human lives.
This post exemplifies that many posts, such as this one, contain facetious comments. Funny that one cannot always tell if liberals are serious, or being facetious.!


@shavixmir said
Good grief.

From the BBC:
Most adults aged 21 or over in Texas are allowed to carry a handgun without a licence, unless they have a previous conviction. In addition, there are few restrictions on possession of rifles and shotguns.

Are you Americans sure, I mean really sure, that your gun laws aren’t a problem?

I mean, a Wayoma, Metal Brain or ...[text shortened]... ith inbreeding, a lack of education and backed up by a shotgun.

Surely that’s just asking for it?
I will ask you as well as Zahlanzi, would it be OK with you if I carry a gun on my waist in the USA? Not allowed in Russia, and probably not necessary in Lichenstein, of course.

You suggest above that someone like me, a forumer, could be toting in the USA right now, as if you do not approve of the practice and the reasons therefor?


@zahlanzi said
nobody is talking about banning all guns, you lying imbecile.

We are talking about gun control. In all civilized countries they have gun control and they still have guns. Surprise surprise, few to no mass shootings.
We already have the best gun control. Applications, sales records, etc. violators like Hunter (lied in application, 15 yr sentence) are thrown in jail. So we have control.
Uhhh, what control do you think we still need?!?!?!?

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@shallow-blue said
If for "bleep", you mean "Trumptard redneck", I'm sure you're correct.

If not, you're a racist sack of excrement.
Just noticing patterns.

BTW surely you see your hypocrisy.

If by 'bleep' I mean white then I'm correct.
If by 'bleep' I mean black then I'm a racist.

You do see that you're the racist you accuse me of being. Hypocrisy doesn't come any more stark, black and white than that.

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@averagejoe1 said
As I have often said,, you do not have the culture problems that we do. And, many liberals have voted to ban guns. We all agree that all can have guns with exception of AK47, etc. But as you say, we speak here of gun control . I am glad you pointed that out.
So, are you OK with my legally carrying a gun on my waist walking anywhere? All due respects, that is a yes or no.
Absolutely not!

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