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200k deportation cases thrown out. 200K.

200k deportation cases thrown out. 200K.



This is your president. 200k deportation cases thrown out under his watch. His world is a nightmare, we have to live in it. As a lib might say..."It's not faaaaaair"
So, none of his failures bother you in the least.? You won't read it, but it ain't goin' away.


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Not as much as your orange Jesus' failures, incompetence and grifts, three fraud case convictions now, separate states even. What does it take for you to realize your orange Jesus is a crook, was a crook, will be a crook till he is in prison and probably even then?
Have you asked why the cases were thrown out? Were they actually US citizens? Were they actual asylum seekers because of violence in their countries? Oh, I forgot, the judges were Biden appointees and therefore crooked, I guess Hunter came over with bags of money..........


@averagejoe1 said
This is your president. 200k deportation cases thrown out under his watch. His world is a nightmare, we have to live in it. As a lib might say..."It's not faaaaaair"
So, none of his failures bother you in the least.? You won't read it, but it ain't goin' away.

Dear Joe - You really need to get more fun out of life. I'd like to remind you that deportation cases are decided by judges and juries, NOT the President, so blaming Biden doesn't make any sense. In addition, I think Joe Bidens world is doing just fine, there is no economic recession looming, we have a strong job market, and inflation has dropped significantly in the last 2 years.

In case you're interested, THIS Liberal thinks it's all very fair. Presidents normally get blamed for everything from the weather to long stoplights, so cry all you want little elephant - I'll send you a box of tissues! 😆


Make that toilet paper so he can wipe the brown off his nose which is so far up the ass of his orange Jesus.


@mchill said
Dear Joe - You really need to get more fun out of life. I'd like to remind you that deportation cases are decided by judges and juries, NOT the President, so blaming Biden doesn't make any sense. In addition, I think Joe Bidens world is doing just fine, there is no economic recession looming, we have a strong job market, and inflation has dropped significantly in the last 2 ye ...[text shortened]... weather to long stoplights, so cry all you want little elephant - I'll send you a box of tissues! 😆
Tissues? So gay. Normal people say Kleenex.


@mchill said
Dear Joe - You really need to get more fun out of life. I'd like to remind you that deportation cases are decided by judges and juries, NOT the President, so blaming Biden doesn't make any sense. In addition, I think Joe Bidens world is doing just fine, there is no economic recession looming, we have a strong job market, and inflation has dropped significantly in the last 2 ye ...[text shortened]... weather to long stoplights, so cry all you want little elephant - I'll send you a box of tissues! 😆
Little feller, Biden’s administration FAILed to file in time, read the article. Did I say “Biden decides the cases.? No, so your rambling post,,,,,why,I am so upset, I will delete it. Makes me as angry as a lib.


Libertarians ARE an angry lot, godda admit.


Failed to file in time. You mean like X45's pet squeaker of the house falling over and playing dead when X said kill bill? It might make a great movie but in reality it means there will be ZERO done on the border and I guess since a fukking assswipe Christian Nationalist killed it by X's orders that makes it fine. So stop bitching about border problems your own fukking party stopped even DEBATE much less votes.


@sonhouse said
Failed to file in time. You mean like X45's pet squeaker of the house falling over and playing dead when X said kill bill? It might make a great movie but in reality it means there will be ZERO done on the border and I guess since a fukking assswipe Christian Nationalist killed it by X's orders that makes it fine. So stop bitching about border problems your own fukking party stopped even DEBATE much less votes.
No, that'snot what I meant, Sonhouse. I meant that Biden failed to file in time.


So you don't care that while you whine and cry about how terrible the border situation is, when X45.1 killed the bill, it must have been bad but tell me why Mikey did not even allow debate on the bill, eh?

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@sonhouse said
So you don't care that while you whine and cry about how terrible the border situation is, when X45.1 killed the bill, it must have been bad but tell me why Mikey did not even allow debate on the bill, eh?
Their reasons, we must assume were legal to have a level field for playing, have not been fully disclosed.
The decision was made by Repubs, (our reps) of whom I am one. For me, it is a decision to be made by either repubs or Dems.
As I am a republican, I would rather have them decide.
But SHouse, why should I answer you when you fellers do not tell us why Biden will not close the border. He opened it on Inauguration Day….so, he can close it. Marauder is misinformed about this matter.
Why won’t Biden close the border? It Is no different than the question that you are asking me about why Mikey did something or doesn’t do something.
Why won’t Biden close the border?
Why won’t Biden close the border? You will not answer that question but keep asking me to answer why Mikey does something or doesn’t do something.
Can you tell us why Biden does not close the border?

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Can you tell us why YOU think Biden CAN close the border? And you just assume there was some nice reason for X45 killing the bill which was written with BIPARTISAN support, the real reason was X45 did not want Biden to get ANY credit for work on the border and THAT is a fact.

Of course you will slant it in such a way that your god king comes out a hero in all this border inaction done by X45.

It doesn't matter what you think. Here is reality:


If you bothered to read this link, you would just come out and say Biden can close the border no matter what those pesky laws say.

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@sonhouse said
Can you tell us why YOU think Biden CAN close the border? And you just assume there was some nice reason for X45 killing the bill which was written with BIPARTISAN support, the real reason was X45 did not want Biden to get ANY credit for work on the border and THAT is a fact.

Of course you will slant it in such a way that your god king comes out a hero in a ...[text shortened]... ink, you would just come out and say Biden can close the border no matter what those pesky laws say.
I don't need to read any link. Obviously there are exceptions to who crosses, and I aint gonna do your remedial research, look it up. No need to get all hot, Sonhouse. When we say close it we mean close access to vermin, criminals, drug lords, people with no identification, those who can't prove they have....oh, never mind. Look it up.
Here's the thing. Note that he has made NO effort to make any limitations to keep terrorists out.....None. They will hit us, Sonhouse. Hope none of your relatives will be hurt.
He has SOME power, but he uses none of it. Shhh , be quiet, he is napping.

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And it goes back to your orange jesus stopping the border bill which would have addressed a lot of that, BTW, Bipartisin but that just means the repubs who worked on it were corrupt also, right?

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@sonhouse said
And it goes back to your orange jesus stopping the border bill which would have addressed a lot of that, BTW, Bipartisin but that just means the repubs who worked on it were corrupt also, right?
Why doesn’t Biden,, responsible for untold deaths, end the misery at the border? Cages were better.

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