Originally posted by abejnoodI would hope no country ever sees anything like this again. Both sides have to realise that killing civilians is wrong, no matter how "right" the reason for it.
A tribute to the many innocents and good people who died on September 11. Hopefully America will never again see a tragedy like this.
We the People were warned over 50 years ago in Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address to be ever wary of the Military-Industrial Complex. He, a 5-star General voted into the Presidency, felt sorry for any successive leaders of this nation who did not have initimate knowledge of the military, because it too quickly would become the unwieldy, carcengenic mutation we have today.
It's blood for oil. It's old money that won't relinquish to the inevitable need to progress beyond fossile fuels.
This grand country born of a vision fueled by innovation has gone way off course at the hands of a powerful and corrupt few whom we can't seem to shake, not with our votes, our protests, or our letter writting campaigns. We the People are being held hostage by those who are the true terrorists, the ones running this country.