@AverageJoe1 is a goldfish in a pet store during uncertain economic times.
Which economic and political ideologies would you suggest for his little goldfish brain?
(p.s. -- inspired by my appreciation, AJ1 😉 )
@kevin-eleven saidLife's battles don't always go
@AverageJoe1 is a goldfish in a pet store during uncertain economic times.
Which economic and political ideologies would you suggest for his little goldfish brain?
(p.s. -- inspired by my appreciation, AJ1 😉 )
to the stronger or faster man...
But sooner or later, the person who wins.
is he one who thinks he can!!!!!
@averagejoe1 saidThank you, sir.
Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man...
But sooner or later, the person who wins.
is he one who thinks he can!!!!!
I'm a man with a scrambly brain, but on a tangent your reply reminds me of the New Thought movement of the early 20th century.
And then there's God, but He/She/It already did. 😉
10 Dec 21
@contenchess saidThe crew of the Gerald Fitzmartin and the company that owns them haven't been complaining about their goldfish profits.
A goldfish only knows one thing.
That is capitalism.
Average Joe eats 😏
Have you seen the recent news about fisherman pulling goldfish out of the lakes?
They are huge and ready to eat more.
Naughty Joe 😏
@averagejoe1 saidThat little rhyme was posted in our locker room back in the early 70's.
Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man...
But sooner or later, the person who wins.
is he one who thinks he can!!!!!
I don't like the title of this thread. Though I disagree with several people here on a great many things, and very much doubt average joe ever taught economics to anyone, I don't believe in name calling and other disrespectful language designed to belittle people.
Thumbs down from me Keven. 😕
@mchill saidMcHill . Doubt what you want. I also teach Legal Ethics. And I doubt that you are a liberal.
That little rhyme was posted in our locker room back in the early 70's.
I don't like the title of this thread. Though I disagree with several people here on a great many things, and very much doubt average joe ever taught economics to anyone, I don't believe in name calling and other disrespectful language designed to belittle people.
Thumbs down from me Keven. 😕
10 Dec 21
@averagejoe1 saidObviously not when it comes to coherent sentences.
Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man...
But sooner or later, the person who wins.
is he one who thinks he can!!!!!
@kevin-eleven saidAll I can say is, my little brain has certainly enjoyed Marauder's respite from the Forum, it is quite refreshing. No pontificating!!
@AverageJoe1 is a goldfish in a pet store during uncertain economic times.
Which economic and political ideologies would you suggest for his little goldfish brain?
(p.s. -- inspired by my appreciation, AJ1 😉 )
11 Dec 21
@averagejoe1 saidI also teach Legal Ethics. And I doubt that you are a liberal.
McHill . Doubt what you want. I also teach Legal Ethics. And I doubt that you are a liberal.
I see. Here we have average joe, a McDonalds employee who claims he teaches economics and legal ethics too.
Pigs might fly, but I doubt it. 🙄
11 Dec 21
@averagejoe1 saidBut it never, EVER,
Life's battles don't always go
to the stronger or faster man...
But sooner or later, the person who wins.
is he one who thinks he can!!!!!
goes to the less than average,joe. 😛
11 Dec 21
@kevin-eleven saidIs that him,
@AverageJoe1 is a goldfish in a pet store during uncertain economic times.
Which economic and political ideologies would you suggest for his little goldfish brain?
(p.s. -- inspired by my appreciation, AJ1 😉 )
floating belly up?
11 Dec 21
@averagejoe1 saidLess sourced facts, as well.
All I can say is, my little brain has certainly enjoyed Marauder's respite from the Forum, it is quite refreshing. No pontificating!!