October 17, 2006
Senator Larry Craig
U.S. Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator Craig:
I write to you as president of Proud of Who We Are, an organization that is calling on closeted, anti-gay politicians to tell people who they really are and to allow voters to elect them based on an honest dialogue with the nation's citizens. Religious conservatives this fall are being asked to support one group of politicians over another on the grounds that they will fight what social conservative call "the homosexual lifestyle." What these citizens are not being told is that some of the politicians who want their help are or have staff who are part of the so-called "homosexual lifestyle."
That’s not truthful, and it’s not right. It’s not OK to have a public persona that is based on a lie, and it’s not OK to ask the gay community to sit idly by while someone works against our interests – then expect us to harbor their social life.
I have spent several months researching your situation. To the best of my ability to get to the bottom of things, I have concluded that you are leading a hypocritical life. By the time you read this letter, I will have said so on national radio with much of the Idaho press corps listening in. And, I will have called over half a dozen prominent social conservative leaders in your state to tell them what I have learned about you.
Here’s what I know:
• I have interviewed three men, none of whom know each other, all of whom reported in some detail their sexual encounters with you over the last four years.
• At the same time, you have voted and spoken for the Defense of Marriage Act. And you have sought the support of social conservatives who oppose the "homosexual lifestyle."
This seems like gross hypocrisy. While in your public statements today you’re dismissing my conclusions as ridiculous, I haven’t been wrong yet -- see the Ed Schrock, David Dreier and Mark Foley outings that I have done from my blog.
The bottom line is that it’s the 21st Century. Being gay isn’t a bad thing or a slur any more. Moreover, as we have seen in the case of other closeted politicians, the closet leads gay men to make unhealthy and inappropriate choices in seeking relationships. If you are gay, I call on you now to come out of the closet and be proud of who you are. Level with Idahoans, and let them judge you based on the truth, not on a lie.
More importantly, I call on you to begin to represent the gay community in Congress honestly and with distinction, as so many have done such as Congressman Barney Frank and Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin.
I encourage you, senator, to be proud of who you are.
Michael Rogers
Proud of Who We Are
The senator in question has consistantly voted along the lines of the Christian Right (i.e. no to gay marriage, abstinence only education, family-values &c.).
I guess we can label it as hypocrisy, but it is something that every human being does. Psychologically, on the outside, for other people to see, we fight those things which we are embarassed about ourselves (child porn, homosexuality). This is why a lot of critics of pornography for example are closet porn addicts.
We see it all over.