Originally posted by CheckMate AAAAnother instance where this should simply be a matter left to the individual. Its the woman's choice, she has to live with her decision. But it personal responsibility again (except in a case of rape).
This is an extremely sensitive matter in the United States these days. It is wrong and should be abolished before anymore babies are brutally murdered. I say we LOSE IT.
So if a woman wants to have an abortion.. thats fine.. just don't make me the taxpayer, pay for it.
Originally posted by CheckMate AAAAn abortion done properly is hardly "brutal murder". Sticking knife in someone's eye and letting them bleed to death is brutal murder, administering a shot of chemicals to kill a bundle of unfeeling cells is not. You may as well say that scratching an itch is brutal murder, since that also leads to the death of some cells.
This is an extremely sensitive matter in the United States these days. It is wrong and should be abolished before anymore babies are brutally murdered. I say we LOSE IT.
Things are starting to change for the better. Even NARAL and NOW surveys indicate that a majority fof women now believe that there should be greater restrictions on abortions. The country isn't ready to completely ban it, but clearly America is starting to feel that we have taken this issue too far.
There is nothing wrong with abortion. Like any medical procedure the patient should consult a doctor and make a decision. There is no need for government to interfere. There are pleanty of good reasons to have one (1) rape (2) victims of incest (3) medical problems of fetus (chromosome damage). Teenagers especially may realized that they are not ready to properly support a child; there can be financial reasons or people may have opportunities college/ jobs that make it so they could do a far better job raising a child a later time. It is amazing how some people think they know what it is better for others in ALL situations and would deny free choice.
Originally posted by telerionThats the same line of reasoning that slave owners used to make them feel better about their horrid behavior towards another life. Not really human = ok to disregard.
I was pro-life for about 20 years of my life. I understand where most pro-lifers are coming from.
That said, I think there are a few flaws in their reasoning on the issue. The biggest one being that potential to be a child does not make something a child.
Originally posted by CheckMate AAATrue, every abortion may take away a chance that someone may find a cure for cancer, or some other horrible disease, but every abortion may take away a chance that someone may be the next Jack the Ripper or Jesse James or D.B. Cooper. If the woman thinks she can't support or care for the future-kid in any way, then forcing her to have it would put a lot of stress on her and her kid, and that kid would be more likely to be abused, neglected, and become a criminal. Why should someone be forced to have a kid they can't keep?
This is an extremely sensitive matter in the United States these days. It is wrong and should be abolished before anymore babies are brutally murdered. I say we LOSE IT.
I do not agree with abortion, but it has always happened through the ages.. why put women at such a big risk when you know it's going to happen anyway?
You cannot stop teen sex in the same way, you can only prevent what it causes.. condoms do not encourage sex, only make it more safe.
To me, this is obvious 😕