-Removed-Putin is doing back flips over what we are giving up in the way of oil. Watch the partnership evolve with China, and then, with energy bought from russia (Putin back-flipping), China will be the economic power of the world. Hey kids, a communist country. You fellers sure about all this? You apparently do not have children.
All the shyte going on in the US right now and you are worried about Putin's response to our OIL?
What the HELL is driving you? You frigging ignore the insurrection on the 6th, the attack on the capitol building and the totally incompetent boob Trump and you figure the only thing to talk about is OIL?
You don't care Trump CLEARLY incited his crowd to attack the capitol building and when interviewed they said to a last man and woman, we were following Trump.
He TOLD us what to do and we did it.
There is NO defense to that dastardly fatal attack on our capitol building, there were people in there wanting to KILL Pence and Pelosi BECAUSE TRUMP told them to be strong, the weak go down.
My guess is your only regret is you were not there giving a helping hand on the attack on the capitol.
You do realize our democracy is teetering on the edge of failure, does THAT matter to you or is OIL that much more important than our basic democracy?
And I am sure for you, FAKE NEWS, near 400,000 now dead from C19, but I am quite sure you will rationalize ALL of the above.
The word on the street is by the end of February, it will be more like a half MILLION dead.
Approaching the deaths of 100 years ago in the 'Spanish Flu'
So 100 years of medical advancement and we could have had it under control if we had a real POTUS instead of that incompetent criminal Trump.
He did NOTHING about C19, in fact played it down for the last year, even though he was told in January this virus was deadly and airborne, he KNEW that but said, it will be gone soon, 10 cases, 3 cases and no cases.
Or did you forget THAT crap he puked out over the last year?
Or democracy is under attack from white nationalists who NEVER wanted those black, brown, Asian, women and native Americans to vote.
So we may slide into some kind of authoritarian rule in the next election, maybe King Pompeo, that ok with you? Now that the ground has been broken by your god king Trump, it might come to pass for real in a few years. You ok with that?
@averagejoe1 saidWell Mr. Average - at least you have some of it right this time. Yes, relations between Russia and China will likely improve, and China's economy will continue to grow, though not for the reasons you give. Unfortunately you're leaving out the parts about solar and wind power are now cheaper than oil and gas, because of this, the market for oil based products is barely holding steady, so don't look for Putin to be doing many flips, since the Russian economy is not likely to improve.
Putin is doing back flips over what we are giving up in the way of oil. Watch the partnership evolve with China, and then, with energy bought from russia (Putin back-flipping), China will be the economic power of the world. Hey kids, a communist country. You fellers sure about all this? You apparently do not have children.
As far as your poorly worded attempt to paint Democrats as communists, laced with your corn-pone, hew-haw spelling of fellows - you're simply putting your own stupidity on display for all to see. 8 years of Obama did not witness the end of Americas market based economy, in fact our economy improved steadily for all 8 of those years, despite taking over for Republican President Bush 43 that served up the great recession on his way back to Texas to collect his big, fat government pension.
The post that was quoted here has been removedAre you a liberal robot, Duchess. NOW, ..... NOW.... China imports only abut 15.3% (you've been busy!!) of its oil from russia. NOW. You didn't read my post. Suggest you catch up with what is on the horizon.
I know you are a foreigner from New Guinea or somewhere, but you best pay attention to world dominance. You want Russia, China, or USA? to be the dominate country? The groundwork is being laid. Read my post. Thought, with your computer brain, you would have it by now.
The post that was quoted here has been removedI don't think that anyone can seriously deny the fact that the US's empire is in decline.
The signs of demise are all there. It will crumble.
How they manage this will determine their role for the coming century or so (one country more introvert, one country focussed on the Americas or two or more countries).
Russia is heading towards internal conflict, India won't be in any serious position of power for decades to come and Brasil is a mess.
As for China. Their arrogance, whether they decide to expand territory or if they remain financers, will determine how the world engages with them.
If they decide to expand territory, there is every chance that the world will gang up on them and sort the situation out.
If they retain their current international position (financing to gain influence in various countries) they will probably slip into the vaccuum the US leaves behind.
The latter, at least in the short term, is a more manageable situation. The former could get very ugly, very fast.
China also has an internal conflict which they try to hide from the world, which they try to oppress internally too. And that is the poverty situation for millions of people.
If China can't get a grasp on that, then it will slowly erode them into the same cycle they've always had and within a century a new dynasty... although it's hard to call the current cycle a dynasty... but let's keep matters simple... will knock the current keepers of power off the throne.
The Chinese government knows this. And that's where it is interesting. If they seriously tackle poverty, the middle class will grow and many people will get a better education and that will overthrow (large parts of) the current regime as well.
It will be interesting to see how China deals with this dilemma.
As for Europe. They've positioned themselves as a serious trading block. I reckon that external factors will have little influence on it or its position.
Internal factors could undermine it though.
I reckon it will depend on how well they deal with extremists in their own borders. Poland, Romenia, extreme right-wingism in other States. If they manage to control that or cut the cancer out, they'll do well in the coming century.