Originally posted by moon1969Texas should just keep its flag. It was the flag of Texas when it was it's own nation, so if it drops from the Union and goes back to being it's own nation just keep the old flag. I see no problem with it.
What do you do with your American flag if your State secedes? Burn it?
I live in Texas and was just wondering.
Texas isn't going to secede.
But I do find it entertaining how some in the "AMERKA @@@@ YEAH!" crowd don't actually want to be American when their guy doesn't win an election.
Through 8 years of a President I couldn't stand (Bush), my bleeding heart tree hugging Liberal a** was still proud to be an American.
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperOf course Bush had the qualifications to be president. Who won this election isn't the issue anyway.
Texas isn't going to secede.
But I do find it entertaining how some in the "AMERKA @@@@ YEAH!" crowd don't actually want to be American when their guy doesn't win an election.
Through 8 years of a President I couldn't stand (Bush), my bleeding heart tree hugging Liberal a** was still proud to be an American.
16 Nov 12
Originally posted by joe beyserI totally disagree with you about Bush, but we'll get way off topic if we get into that.
Of course Bush had the qualifications to be president. Who won this election isn't the issue anyway.
Who won the election IS the issue, unless you think all these morons wanting to "secede" would be beating that drum had Romney won.
Clearly their loudly proclaimed patriotism is nothing but window dressing.
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperI do think they would eventually when they found out Romney would have carried out the same policies.
I totally disagree with you about Bush, but we'll get way off topic if we get into that.
Who won the election IS the issue, unless you think all these morons wanting to "secede" would be beating that drum had Romney won.
Clearly their loudly proclaimed patriotism is nothing but window dressing.
Originally posted by USArmyParatrooperAll I can say is enjoy your 4th of july fireworks after the tsa sticks their hands down your wifes pants and gives you no due process of law. If you find yourself on the no fly list and haven't done anything at all to warrant that, set off a few firecrackers to remind yourself that al quaeda is run by the CIA.
I disagree, and either way it shows their "patriotism" is quite flimsy.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraMore of a belief system than anything. I find it healthy as long as there is something to warrant it. I contend that the folks trying to restore their rights are more patriotic that those giving in to the banking cartel.
Patriotism is a form of intellectual bankruptcy anyway.