A nice corrective for anyone who thinks that Barack Obama is on the "left".
A choice quote:
"For example, I am claimed to have professed a commitment to 'universal health care.' May I remind you that even in the primary debates, where one might have expected some attention to the grassroots base of the party, I explicitly and boldly rejected universal health care. The latter was associated with my opponent Mrs. Clinton and while neither of us has any intention of addressing the root of the health care crisis, namely the for-profit health care insurance industry which has funded both of our campaigns lavishly, my 'solution' as Paul Krugman noted at the time was well to the right of that of the DLC's initial choice of candidate."
"Also consigned to the realm of far-left fantasy is 'an environmental policy that transforms the economy by shifting billions of dollars from the consumption of fossil fuels to alternative energy sources'. In his previous capacity as chief lobbyist for energy giant Exelon, my campaign manager David Axelrod has spoken eloquently of the need to ramp up the construction of nuclear power plants. That's what I mean by 'alternative' and please rest assured that Mr. Axelrod will serve as a strong voice for this 'alternative' in my administration. I will also invest in 'alternative energy' through continuing subsidies to corn based ethanol, in so doing securing payback to the farm behemoth Archer Daniels Midland for having bankrolled my campaign at the crucial initial stages. Another 'alternative energy source' embraced by me is 'clean coal' and the industry which helped me ascend to the first rungs of the political ladder in Illinois."
As Fafblog memorably put it, Obama is for change you can suspend your disbelief in.
Originally posted by AnarchessistAnd his support of AIPAC, a Likud-inik organization.
A nice corrective for anyone who thinks that Barack Obama is on the "left".
A choice quote:
"For example, I am claimed to have professed a commitment to 'universal health care.' May I remind you that even in the primary debates, where one might have expected some atte ...[text shortened]... memorably put it, Obama is for change you can suspend your disbelief in.