Copy any paragraph you choose from the Obama inaugural and analyze it. Here is my chosen paragraph. Remember that "a paragraph is a complete thought" and don't start spreading from one paragraph to the next.
"Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring convictions. They understood that our power alone cannot protect us, nor does it entitle us to do as we please. Instead, they knew that our power grows through its prudent use; our security emanates from the justness of our cause, the force of our example, the tempering qualities of humility and restraint."
This paragraph is a child-like attempt to describe war. Notice the usage of "faced down" and "not only with". This implies that carpet bombing was co-equal to diplomacy. Anyone with a brain realizes that there was absolutely zero diplomacy with the enemy during WWII. The allies hated each other and the residue of that hatred is what we call "the cold war".
But the true way to explain to liberals WHY conservatives think of them as children is to closely think about the words... "our security emanates from the justness of our cause, the force of our example, the tempering qualities of humility and restraint."
At first glance this sounds good. It is a sound bite of only average quality.
According to this sound bite, "security eminates from justness "etc.
So the people killed by Poll Pot were not just.
Nor were the peoples of Poland, France, China, the Low Countries and all of eastern Europe.
These people... these "Nations"... must have been UNJUST because surely if they had been "just" or had they exhibited a better "force of example" or had they been "humble" or had they shown "restraint" -- they would not have beel slaughtered and enslaved.
Instead of the childish, non-sensical HOPE that "our security emanates from the justness of our cause, the force of our example, the tempering qualities of humility and restraint", let me give you the conservative alternative.
"Our security can only be maintained by a military force strong enough to utterly defeat any enemy. And I am tired of the congress and their cowardliness. I will use no military force anywhere, in an act of war, ... unless and until congress follows the Constitution and gives me a clear, direct declaration of war. In writing. If I receive a declaration of war from Congress, I promise to use all force available and necessary to defeat the party named in that declaration of war, so help me God. The use of military force as a tool of State is OVER! So Help Me God!"
Originally posted by KazetNagorraThat was in his speech? Hmmm... must have missed it. You might put more effort into your analysis. To make a disclamation without a premise doesn't seem to work.
Unlike liberals, conservatives see the world as black-and-white with one camp of liberals and one camp of conservatives.
Disclaimer: yes, there is irony in this comment.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyMakes sense as a good direction for the US to go, to sum it up:
Copy any paragraph you choose from the Obama inaugural and analyze it. Here is my chosen paragraph. Remember that "a paragraph is a complete thought" and don't start spreading from one paragraph to the next.
"Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring use of military force as a tool of State is OVER! So Help Me God!"
"Lets stop throwing our weight about, it pisses people off".
Like an elephant who tramples a bees nest, power isnt everything.
The terrorists are the bees, the elephant can not deal with them.
You seem to be thinking like the elephant.....
The one bit where he lost me is where he said "...the justness of our cause....", because thats what they all say, from Jihidists to old Adolf himself.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyMy poor man, how on earth are you going to cope with a liberal, and an African-American at that, president in office for the next 4, probably 8 yrs? He's only been in for two days and already you're dissecting his inaugural speech on a chess website forum, a game which you don't even play, looking for innacuracies.
Copy any paragraph you choose from the Obama inaugural and analyze it. Here is my chosen paragraph. Remember that "a paragraph is a complete thought" and don't start spreading from one paragraph to the next.
"Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring ...[text shortened]... use of military force as a tool of State is OVER! So Help Me God!"
Are you going to be ok? Or do you want the shoulder of a liberal to cry on?
Originally posted by Proper Knobooooh! I have made an enemy! And it seems to be a bitchy little twit.
My poor man, how on earth are you going to cope with a liberal, and an African-American at that, president in office for the next 4, probably 8 yrs? He's only been in for two days and already you're dissecting his inaugural speech on a chess website forum, a game which you don't even play, looking for innacuracies.
Are you going to be ok? Or do you want the shoulder of a liberal to cry on?
Good. Those are the most fun to tease.😛
Actually, I don't cry on liberals. I Sh*%t on them every chance I get.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraYea. But he had a three inch knob. Not a tiny little, teensy weensy Proper Knob.
Why the anger? Did a "liberal" tease you in school?
Are you always this clever Kizmet? Or just on special occasions of flashback -- moments when you remember the girl who beat you up in third grade -- and off in college?
Originally posted by StarValleyWyThe qualifier, "not just" shows that Obama also believes missiles and tanks were part of the equation.
Copy any paragraph you choose from the Obama inaugural and analyze it. Here is my chosen paragraph. Remember that "a paragraph is a complete thought" and don't start spreading from one paragraph to the next.
"Recall that earlier generations faced down fascism and communism not just with missiles and tanks, but with sturdy alliances and enduring use of military force as a tool of State is OVER! So Help Me God!"[/b]
The Allies won the war. Regardless whether you wish to enter arbitrary speculation about what would have happened had they not been allies, his statement remains factual.
Originally posted by StarValleyWySo you can disagree and go on about carpet bombing, diapers, mommy, talcum powder, bubbles again? Right
Let's start over. I want YOU to get a paragraph and analyze it. I gave my analysis of a paragraph. It is more interesting to know what YOU all analyze. I know what I said. Let's hear from YOU.