@old-indian saidI ghink some amongst us thought Baghdadi Was entitled to a trial out there on the desert, does that mean this horrible Al-Qaeda leader should’ve had a trial. Help me Rhonda. Go Trump! To use one of his words, three PERFECT kills!!!! Genius.
God Bless the U.S.A 🤗
@mott-the-hoople saidMale virgins I hope.....the muslim culture is hella queer. It's their dirty little secret due to their way of keeping women separate from men.
he is enjoying those virgins tonight...
08 Feb 20
@old-indian saidIt makes perfect sense, their culture segregates boys and girls, women are kept more or less hidden, with no chance for social interaction what else are they going to do?
I knew a Marine who served over there and he said they would kick doors down and find a lot of guy on guy action.
I didn’t believe him but he said women were for breeding and men had fun with each other.
@old-indian saidIn his dreams.
I knew a Marine who served over there and he said they would kick doors down and find a lot of guy on guy action.
@averagejoe1 saidI ghink - - Yes, You do that a lot.
I ghink some amongst us thought Baghdadi Was entitled to a trial out there on the desert, does that mean this horrible Al-Qaeda leader should’ve had a trial. Help me Rhonda. Go Trump! To use one of his words, three PERFECT kills!!!! Genius.
BTW - I didn't see you dancing in the aisles here when President Obama gave the successful order to have Osama Bin Laden killed, his computers, disc's and the entire nerve center of his network destroyed. Where was all your confetti and happy faces then??
@averagejoe1 saidI think Trump was entitled to a trial.
I ghink some amongst us thought Baghdadi Was entitled to a trial out there on the desert, does that mean this horrible Al-Qaeda leader should’ve had a trial. Help me Rhonda. Go Trump! To use one of his words, three PERFECT kills!!!! Genius.
But that didn’t happen either. 🤔