AQ declares on Perv, France, Spain.

AQ declares on Perv, France, Spain.


Steamin transies

22 Nov 06
21 Sep 07

The storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July "demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims ... and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory," bin Laden said in the tape.

"So when the capability is there, it is obligatory to rebel against the apostate ruler, as is the case now," he said, according to a transcript of the tape released by Laura Mansfield, an American terror expert who monitors militant message traffic.

Is that sweet or what?

Al-Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri has called for Iberia to be restored to the Islamic world, saying the first step needs to be the 'cleansing' of Spaniards and French from the Maghreb.

Zawahiri was speaking in an 81-minute documentary-style video entitled "The Power of Truth" made public on Thursday by the US-based SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors Islamist websites.

"O our Muslim Ummah (community) in the Maghreb of ribat and jihad (land of resistance and holy war): restoring Al-Andalus is a trust on the shoulders of the Ummah in general and on your shoulders in particular," he said.

"You will not be able to do that without first cleansing the Maghreb of Islam of the children of France and Spain."

Muslim Moorish forces coming from northern Africa conquered most of what are modern Spain and Portugal, and even parts of southern France, beginning in the 8th century, calling the region Al-Andalus.

Christian forces gradually regained their lost territories over the subsequent centuries, with the last Moors being expelled from Spain in 1492.

In the modern period, the tables were reversed, with France and Spain carving out colonies in what is now Morocco. Both withdrew in the 1950s, though Spain retained the enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast.

France also had colonies in neighbouring Algeria and Tunisia, withdrawing from there in the 1960s.

A claim made by more radical Muslim thinkers, including those of Al-Qaeda, is that once a territory has come under Muslim rule, it remains forever a part of the Ummah.

Zawahiri's call for the reconquest of Al-Andalus is not the first of such demands.

While Morocco is now independent, it is increasingly popular as an investment site by both Spanish and French interests, especially in the property sector, with holiday home communities springing up along the coast.

Al-Qaeda has stepped up operations in the Maghreb region via its Algerian offshoot, the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC), which vowed in April to "retake Al-Andalus."

My question to everyone is, how do you think France and Spain should respond?


Big D

13 Dec 05
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by Merk

The storming of the Red Mosque in Islamabad in July "demonstrated Musharraf's insistence on continuing his loyalty, submissiveness and aid to America against the Muslims ... and makes armed rebellion against him and removing him obligatory," bin Laden said in the t ...[text shortened]...

My question to everyone is, how do you think France and Spain should respond?
If they want to appear to AQ as anything but cowering, effete appeasers who deserve the sword, they should protect their citizens at home and abroad.


10 Nov 05
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
If they want to appear to AQ as anything but cowering, effete appeasers who deserve the sword, they should protect their citizens at home and abroad.
La Marseillaise
French National Anthem (in English)

Let's go children of the fatherland,
The day of glory has arrived!
Against us tyranny's
Bloody flag is raised! (repeat)
In the countryside, do you hear
The roaring of these fierce soldiers?
They come right to our arms
To slit the throats of our sons, our friends!


Grab your weapons, citizens!
Form your batallions!
Let us march! Let us march!
May impure blood
Water our fields!

This horde of slaves, traitors, plotting kings,
What do they want?
For whom these vile shackles,
These long-prepared irons? (repeat)
Frenchmen, for us, oh! what an insult!
What emotions that must excite!
It is us that they dare to consider
Returning to ancient slavery!

What! These foreign troops
Would make laws in our home!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would bring down our proud warriors! (repeat)
Good Lord! By chained hands
Our brows would bend beneath the yoke!
Vile despots would become
The masters of our fate!

Tremble, tyrants! and you, traitors,
The disgrace of all groups,
Tremble! Your parricidal plans
Will finally pay the price! (repeat)
Everyone is a soldier to fight you,
If they fall, our young heros,
France will make more,
Ready to battle you!

Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors,
Bear or hold back your blows!
Spare these sad victims,
Regretfully arming against us. (repeat)
But not these bloodthirsty despots,
But not these accomplices of Bouillé,
All of these animals who, without pity,
Tear their mother's breast to pieces!

Sacred love of France,
Lead, support our avenging arms!
Liberty, beloved Liberty,
Fight with your defenders! (repeat)
Under our flags, let victory
Hasten to your manly tones!
May your dying enemies
See your triumph and our glory!

We will enter the pit
When our elders are no longer there;
There, we will find their dust
And the traces of their virtues. (repeat)
Much less eager to outlive them
Than to share their casket,
We will have the sublime pride
Of avenging them or following them!


05 Jan 04
21 Sep 07



Very Mysterious

23 Aug 04
21 Sep 07
4 edits

These guys are nuts. They're going to reawaken colonial Europe.

Yes, they should kick butt, but they need to be careful. There are traps being set for overly aggressive Western nations, I'm sure.

Then again the US hasn't really had many problems fighting these nutjobs so far.

Radical Islamic zealots - Western scientific warfare cannot be challenged. Religious zeal does not work against us. Why do you hate your own people so much that you want so many of them to die?

Remember Tripoli?

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Sep 07
1 edit

They should ignore them as I'm sure they will.

If any loser starts actually blowing things up, they should find and arrest those responsible which, again, I'm sure they will.

EDIT: What they shouldn't do, and probably wont, is portray them as some great and powerful enemy that every one must fear and over react for. Treat them as they are, a minority bunch of losers who get lucky from time to time.

Very Mysterious

23 Aug 04
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by Wheely
They should ignore them as I'm sure they will.

If any loser starts actually blowing things up, they should find and arrest those responsible which, again, I'm sure they will.
That's another possibility. It's basic human psychology. If people don't get a response to their actions, those actions will tend to stop occurring.

Evil Conservative

04 Jul 07
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
That's another possibility. It's basic human psychology. If people don't get a response to their actions, those actions will tend to stop occurring.
So we should let AQ run some jet airliners into some tall building in LA, San Francisco (Long as Nancy Pelosi is in it) , Portland and Seattle and just say oh well? That certainly will discourage them, or would it have the other effect in human psychology? Emboldened them to do more

Very Mysterious

23 Aug 04
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by SMSBear716
So we should let AQ run some jet airliners into some tall building in LA, San Francisco (Long as Nancy Pelosi is in it) , Portland and Seattle and just say oh well? That certainly will discourage them, or would it have the other effect in human psychology? Emboldened them to do more
I'm in favor of aggressive action. However such a strategy would work if it could be maintained.

The problem is it's not maintainable in America. We have an aggressive, warlike culture.

Of the two, I favor aggressive warfare both for America and for France and Spain.

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Sep 07
1 edit

Originally posted by SMSBear716
So we should let AQ run some jet airliners into some tall building in LA, San Francisco (Long as Nancy Pelosi is in it) , Portland and Seattle and just say oh well? That certainly will discourage them, or would it have the other effect in human psychology? Emboldened them to do more
Of course not. Do not dignify these cowards with terms such as "terrorists". They are common criminals and should be treated as such. Use intelligence before someone carries out such a deed and if they get lucky and, presuming they still life, prosecute the hell out of them.

One thing to avoid doing, and France and Spain will avoid it as they are far too sensible, is to go and bomb some country you don't like that the bombers didn't even come from.

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
I favor aggressive warfare both for America and for France and Spain.
You know, that "it makes yer feel good" thing really just makes you bitter and rather frightened in the end.

Go with ignoring the b*stards until they actually stop you being able to play cricket and then give them a hiding!

Very Mysterious

23 Aug 04
21 Sep 07
2 edits

Originally posted by Wheely
You know, that "it makes yer feel good" thing really just makes you bitter and rather frightened in the end.

Go with ignoring the b*stards until they actually stop you being able to play cricket and then give them a hiding!
They stopped quite a lot of my fellow citizens from ever playing cricket again on 9/11.

The hiding is currently in progress.

Don't tread on us.

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
They stopped quite a lot of my fellow citizens from ever playing cricket again on 9/11.

The hiding is currently in progress.

Don't tread on us.
Ok, point taken about your fellow citizens. Actually though it was my fellow citizens too.

I would take issue with the idea that the hiding is currently in progress. Sure there are lots of bombs and bullets flying around but they don't seem to have much to do with the original crime.

Who is John Galt?

Taggart Comet

11 Jul 07
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by AThousandYoung
[b]The hiding is currently in progress.
ATY takes ALL sides of an issue in only 1hour 10minutes 😕

21 Sep '07 15:59
Yes, they should kick butt, but they need to be careful. There are traps being set for overly aggressive Western nations, I'm sure.

21 Sep '07 16:06
That's another possibility. It's basic human psychology. If people don't get a response to their actions, those actions will tend to stop occurring.

21 Sep '07 17:09
I'm in favor of aggressive action. However such a strategy would work if it could be maintained.
The problem is it's not maintainable in America.

Instant Buzz


28 Feb 05
21 Sep 07

Originally posted by MacSwain
ATY takes ALL sides of an issue in only 1hour 10minutes 😕

21 Sep '07 15:59
Yes, they should kick butt, but they need to be careful. There are traps being set for overly aggressive Western nations, I'm sure.

21 Sep '07 16:06
That's another possibility. It's basic human psychology. If people don't get a response to their actions, those actions will ...[text shortened]... ould work if it could be maintained.
The problem is it's not maintainable in America.
I think you mis-understood points two and three as I did when I first read them. I think the "such" in "such a strategy would work if it could be maintained" refers to the idea of ignoring this nonsense and so backs up point number two.

I think he's right too. It probably would work but couldn't be maintained in the US.

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