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Barack Obama Announces Presidential Bid

Barack Obama Announces Presidential Bid


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It's official:

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Originally posted by GreatSantini
It's official:
Looking forward to watch the donk primary develop. Curious to see what the Clinton supporters are going to do to Hussein or if they're going to jump ship.

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Originally posted by Merk
Looking forward to watch the donk primary develop. Curious to see what the Clinton supporters are going to do to Hussein or if they're going to jump ship.
It should be as entertaining as seeing how much McCain sells his soul to the devil for - and watching his supporters jump ship for Mutt Romney.

The worst thing the Dems could do is run Clinton. She isn't very well like in the party and hated by the opposition.

McCain was looking good for a while, but the last couple of years he has shown his true colors. He kowtows to the very people that bitched slapped him. "Would you vote for John McCain if you knew he had a black child?" - from a push poll in South Carolina before the SC primaries. Bush allies is South Carolina also described McCain as "pro-abortion"and "the fag candidate". Real class acts down there in SC.

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Originally posted by Merk
Looking forward to watch the donk primary develop. Curious to see what the Clinton supporters are going to do to Hussein or if they're going to jump ship.
To Hussein? You mean the King of Jordan?

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Originally posted by CliffLandin
It should be as entertaining as seeing how much McCain sells his soul to the devil for - and watching his supporters jump ship for Mutt Romney.

The worst thing the Dems could do is run Clinton. She isn't very well like in the party and hated by the opposition.

McCain was looking good for a while, but the last couple of years he has shown his true c ...[text shortened]... cribed McCain as "pro-abortion"and "the fag candidate". Real class acts down there in SC.
I thought McCain already sold his soul to the devil.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
To Hussein? You mean the King of Jordan?
Sure. Why not. Let's throw him in there too. That would make it even more fun. Imagine how much press it would get. Someone that can't be president running for a presidential endorsement of one of the major parties would be headline heaven. The NYT might finally have their first original headline since the war in Iraq started. We should see if we can get the Republicans to invite Arnold Shortweiner to their primary.

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Originally posted by AThousandYoung
To Hussein? You mean the King of Jordan?
Barak Hussein Obama

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I'm no a fan of Barack Obama's due to his inexperience and the fact that in his biography he states that in his youth the white man kept him "down" and this drove him to use drugs. However, Michael Medved had an interesting column in USA Today recently where he pointed out that the Baby Boomers have dominated politics for too long. Obama, and McCain, it turns out, are the only two non-Boomers running for office this election cycle. Though Obama was born in 1961, Medved believes that the Boomer generation includes only those who were of college age during the 1960s and '70s and this experience profoundly shaped their politics. I agree and I am just as sick of the most self-absorbed generation. Step aside Boomers, we’re all tired of hearing about your politics, radicalism on the campus, experiments with LSD and hippie free luv, and most importantly, the Viet Nam war. If Obama stays in the race, I would probably pull for him precisely because he wasn’t a part of the most selfish generation. Unfortunately, Madame Hillary has such a formidable pile of cash, campaign infrastructure and the "rock star" appeal of her husband, Slick Willie, behind her, that she will be difficult, if not impossible to unseat. As if those obstacles were not difficult enough, Obama had better remain on guard at all times, since Madame Hillary possesses the kind of cunning and viciousness that drove former White House Counsel Vince Foster to blow his brains out. No doubt, she will pull some trick out of her extensive dirty bag and force Obama to do the same or step down. Good luck senator from Illinois, you’ll need it.



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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
I'm no a fan of Barack Obama's due to his inexperience and the fact that in his biography he states that in his youth the white man kept him "down" and this drove him to use drugs. However, Michael Medved had an interesting column in USA Today recently where he pointed out that the Baby Boomers have dominated politics for too long. Obama, and Mc ...[text shortened]... opinion/editorials/2007-01-17-medved-edit_x.htm

I think the only way Obama makes it to the Whitehouse in '08 ia as VP. I bet he thinks it too. As long as they don't do something publicly that brings scandal, a Clinton/Obama ticket would be tough to beat.

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Originally posted by Merk
I think the only way Obama makes it to the Whitehouse in '08 ia as VP. I bet he thinks it too. As long as they don't do something publicly that brings scandal, a Clinton/Obama ticket would be tough to beat.
Turns out Hitlery has already started the smear campaign:


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Originally posted by der schwarze Ritter
Turns out Hitlery has already started the smear campaign:

O what a surprise!

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Originally posted by slimjim
Barak Hussein Obama
Does it matter what his middle name is?

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Originally posted by treetalk
Does it matter what his middle name is?
Not to me. I was answering a previous person's post when he asked if he was talking about King Hussein of Jordan. Perhaps you should read the whole thread. I could care less what Barak's middle name is. I won't vote for anyways. Now to save you the time of typing a retort, no it has nothing to do about his race. It's his Liberal policies that turn me off.

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Originally posted by slimjim
Not to me. I was answering a previous person's post when he asked if he was talking about King Hussein of Jordan. Perhaps you should read the whole thread. I could care less what Barak's middle name is. I won't vote for anyways. Now to save you the time of typing a retort, no it has nothing to do about his race. It's his Liberal policies that turn me off.
I always have time for you, slim.

At a guess I'd say that ATY was just being a wee scamp with his post.

At another guess I'd say that the (childish) use of his middle name - as well as the pathethic Obama/Osama 'slip-ups' - is done in the hope to render the guy somehow less desirable as a potential president.

I wasn't implying that it had anything to do with his race - or that you'd be stupid enough to jump onto the 'Hussein = bad' bandwagon.

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The thing about Hill and Billy that stops me from even considering her as a possible candidate is the fact that she's thick.

She even admitted as much in her book when she said that she never had a clue that Billy might be playing hide the lizard on the side.

THE ENTIRE WORLD KNEW IT, yet Hill never saw it coming .. so, no .. she's way to stupid to be President.

... and you know she has to be a real slug in bed if Bill turned to the fat chicks in desperation.
What a tasteless dog he is .. good lookin', powerful man with women throwing themselves at him .. and all he wants are donkeys with big lips.

Cigar, sir?

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