Bernie Sanders Saved a Woman’s Life and Didn’t Tell Anybody
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is not publicity shy by any stretch of the imagination. Known for his thick Brooklyn accent and progressive politics, the former presidential candidate has become an iconic figure on the American left.
Apparently, however, Sanders can also exhibit modesty.
On Thursday, a woman named Amy Currotto posted on Facebook that Sanders had saved her life, writing that he “stopped me from getting hit by a car on my way to my guitar lesson so we took a selfie together. (He is also much taller than me so awkward picture.)” Currotto did not say where the incident occurred.
Washington Post reporter Jeff Stein shared the post, writing that Sanders did not tell anybody about the incident and his staffers only found out by happenstance.
“Apparently Sen. Sanders went for a walk by himself during a break on Wednesday, stopped a woman from getting hit by a car, and then came back to the office and didn’t tell anybody about it,” Stein tweeted. “His team found out about it on Facebook.”
Stein’s tweet was shared 525 times and received 2,611 likes.
Sanders did not mention the incident on either of his two verified Twitter accounts.
09 Oct 18
@vivify saidWhat a nice guy. He'd make a great crossing guard.
Bernie Sanders Saved a Woman’s Life and Didn’t Tell Anybody
U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont is not publicity shy by any stretch of the imagination. Known for his thick Brooklyn accent and progressive politics, the former presidential candidate has becom ...[text shortened]... kes.
Sanders did not mention the incident on either of his two verified Twitter accounts.
@sleepyguy saidWith those thick glasses, how does he see anything?
What a nice guy. He'd make a great crossing guard.
Makes ya wonder, doesn't it.
Well now that he has achieved saint hood among the atheist elite, will they finally appoint him the next nomination to the DNC Presidential winner instead of Hillary?
10 Oct 18
@sleepyguy saidClearly not as qualified for political office as a senile shyster.
What a nice guy. He'd make a great crossing guard.
@kazetnagorra saidSomeone who endorses a wife beater like Keith Ellison is not qualified for much of anything.
Clearly not as qualified for political office as a senile shyster.
Guess it's better than writing down another rape fantasy like he did previously or selling out to Hillary for the nomination, only to then buy a half million dollar retreat on the lake.