Bernie says that the Federal government is intentionally misleading us, that is, when it comes to the real unemployment numbers. Bernie says that the real unemployment rate is double what the liar in chief says it is.
Originally posted by normbenignI think it is to empower the federal government more.
Bernie is right. I don't know about his solutions.
Higher taxes, increased government control of health care, and the death of the private sector should be enough to finish us all off I think.
Most days I just sit screaming at the TV, "Finish it!!"
14 Feb 16
Originally posted by whodeyWhodey - You might consider:
I think it is to empower the federal government more.
Higher taxes, increased government control of health care, and the death of the private sector should be enough to finish us all off I think.
Most days I just sit screaming at the TV, "Finish it!!"
* Higher Taxes? - Americans pay less in taxes than many other countries. American Corporations have more offshore tax havens than Ronald Reagan had wrinkles.
* Increased government control of Healthcare? - Most 1st world countries have nationalized health care.
* Death of the private sector???? - There are over 18 million business in America (including mine!) and more start up's everyday. I wouldn't call that the "death" of the private sector.
What have you been smoking? 🙄
14 Feb 16
Originally posted by whodeyYou are being dishonest as usual.
Bernie says that the Federal government is intentionally misleading us, that is, when it comes to the real unemployment numbers. Bernie says that the real unemployment rate is double what the liar in chief says it is.
Bernie is not claiming that Obama is lying about the unemployment figures. He is saying that if you include discouraged workers and involuntary part-time workers, you'd have a higher unemployment figure. But those categories have never been included in the unemployment figures; that did not start with Obama as right wing nutcases try to imply.
Bernie is correct in that the nation needs to find greater employment opportunities for those discouraged or working part-time who would prefer to work full time. But he is not saying "the Federal government is intentionally misleading us" about it; he quotes Federal government reports for his claims!
Originally posted by no1marauderIn other words, Bernie is saying that Obama is using employment figures to make the employment picture better than it actually is.
You are being dishonest as usual.
Bernie is not claiming that Obama is lying about the unemployment figures. He is saying that if you include discouraged workers and involuntary part-time workers, you'd have a higher unemployment figure. But those categories have never been included in the unemployment figures; that did not start with Obama as right w ...[text shortened]... t is intentionally misleading us" about it; he quotes Federal government reports for his claims!
Would you call this at least misleading or is it beyond your partisan shill capacity to do so?
Originally posted by bob58Hillary actually won the popular vote in her own party against Obama, but the delegates gave it to Obama.
I don't think there is any doubt that the system is rigged. How can Bernie beat Hillary by 20+ point in NH and they both get the same number of delegates? Listening to DWS explain this was comical.
There is nothing democratic about the democratic process for choosing a President.
Should we be shocked? 😲
Originally posted by whodeyNo, he isn't. Please read my post above for further clarification.
In other words, Bernie is saying that Obama is using employment figures to make the employment picture better than it actually is.
Would you call this at least misleading or is it beyond your partisan shill capacity to do so?
Originally posted by whodeyThe Obama administration is citing the same figure that has been used and has been calculated in the same way for decades.
In other words, Bernie is saying that Obama is using employment figures to make the employment picture better than it actually is.
Would you call this at least misleading or is it beyond your partisan shill capacity to do so?
Bernie is saying that people who want to work (more) should be able to find (more) work.
Have you considered taking some English classes?