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Bernie's E-mail to Me

Bernie's E-mail to Me



Got this yesterday; thought Bernie was just saying hello because I had been in Burlington, Vermont last week (great city; drop by and say hello to Mike at the Irish Pub if you go there) but he had an interesting request:

Friends of Bernie Sanders
[no1marauder] -
There are only three days until the end of this election. I have a special request.
I ask that you not only vote for Hillary Clinton, but that you vote for her on the Working Families Party line.
Why? Because the WFP is the closest thing there is to a political party that believes in my vision of democratic socialism. The WFP shares my view of a society and an economy that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well-connected. We desperately need such organizations in American politics.
The members and leaders of the WFP have led the fight for true campaign finance reform in New York. They have won higher wages, paid sick time, and paid family leave for working people in the Empire State. They helped ban fracking. They have fought the billionaire class from the very first day the Party was formed.
Together with progressives in the Democratic Party, with trade unionists, low-income activists, environmentalists, Occupy, Dreamers, the People's Climate March, Black Lives Matter, and Our Revolution, the Working Families Party is a powerful force for decency, equality and sustainability.
Let's vote for Hillary Clinton, but let's also show the world that we want a political revolution, that we want to transform New York and the nation. And that's what voting for Secretary Clinton on the WFP line will do.
Please add your name to commit to vote for Secretary Clinton on the Working Families Party line on Tuesday to help the Working Families Party's power in New York State.
Thank you.
Bernie Sanders

So Bernie wants us to vote for HRC but not on the Democratic line. I don't really see the point; the WFP pretty much endorses all Democrats and the votes on that line are combined with the candidates on any other line they are on. Not sure how that furthers the "Revolution".


1 edit

Originally posted by no1marauder
Got this yesterday; thought Bernie was just saying hello because I had been in Burlington, Vermont last week (great city; drop by and say hello to Mike at the Irish Pub if you go there) but he had an interesting request:

Friends of Bernie Sanders
[no1marauder] -
There are only three days until the end of this election. I have a special request.
I ...[text shortened]... didates on any other line they are on. Not sure how that furthers the "Revolution".

Bernie is right, just vote HRC and everything will be OK.


Originally posted by no1marauder
Got this yesterday; thought Bernie was just saying hello because I had been in Burlington, Vermont last week (great city; drop by and say hello to Mike at the Irish Pub if you go there) but he had an interesting request:

Friends of Bernie Sanders
[no1marauder] -
There are only three days until the end of this election. I have a special request.
I ...[text shortened]... didates on any other line they are on. Not sure how that furthers the "Revolution".

So BS wants your vote even though you're not an American citizen?

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Originally posted by FreakyKBH
So BS wants your vote even though you're not an American citizen?
I'm not an American citizen?

News to me.


Originally posted by FreakyKBH
So BS wants your vote even though you're not an American citizen?
You're not listening.

Just vote HRC and everything will be OK.


Originally posted by no1marauder
I'm not an American citizen?

News to me.
For some reason I had you overseas, laughing derisively at the foolish Americans trying to figure things out.

Well, since you're an American, do the rest of us a solid and vote for Trump, will ya?


Originally posted by no1marauder
Got this yesterday; thought Bernie was just saying hello because I had been in Burlington, Vermont last week (great city; drop by and say hello to Mike at the Irish Pub if you go there) but he had an interesting request:

Friends of Bernie Sanders
[no1marauder] -
There are only three days until the end of this election. I have a special request.
I ...[text shortened]... didates on any other line they are on. Not sure how that furthers the "Revolution".

I'm guessing Sen Sanders feels HRC and the WFP are both basically on the left wing, so they're after the same thing.


Originally posted by FreakyKBH
For some reason I had you overseas, laughing derisively at the foolish Americans trying to figure things out.

Well, since you're an American, do the rest of us a solid and vote for Trump, will ya?
Far from it. I have a firm belief in the sensible judgment of the People.

Which is why I seriously doubt that Trump will win tomorrow.

2 edits

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
For some reason I had you overseas, laughing derisively at the foolish Americans trying to figure things out.

Well, since you're an American, do the rest of us a solid and vote for Trump, will ya?
If you think Mr. Windbag stands a snowball's chance in this election, I have a bridge I'll sell you, Cheap!! HRC's ground game will kick in on election day, and it will be a rerun of 2012 when all those "experts" on the right wing predicted a big Romney win. The only real question is whether Karl Rove will have another epic meltdown on national TV. 😲

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Originally posted by no1marauder
Can you explain what the 'line' is? Do you have separate queues by party in the US?

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