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Biden can’t talk, Camawla can’t talk

Biden can’t talk, Camawla can’t talk



Think about it. Ever since the basement.
Camino used Girl Scouts as a human shield today, press can’t get to her. She has been hiding since becoming nominee. Trump is OUT there, easily attainable for answering questions. We want to ask her questions, how she will lower prices how to improve the economy, what are her plans. Trump says he will lower inflation and prices by increasing energy. He actually talks.
Tomorrow. Thursday. Will she SAY something of note to kick off her campaign. Not things like “We will make it better”, but the plans of her administration, a chicken in every pot….what? Will she at least try?


@AverageJoe1 said
Think about it. Ever since the basement.
Camino used Girl Scouts as a human shield today, press can’t get to her. She has been hiding since becoming nominee. Trump is OUT there, easily attainable for answering questions. We want to ask her questions, how she will lower prices how to improve the economy, what are her plans. Trump says he will lower inflation and prices ...[text shortened]... t better”, but the plans of her administration, a chicken in every pot….what? Will she at least try?
You sound like an idiot


@AverageJoe1 said
Think about it. Ever since the basement.
Camino used Girl Scouts as a human shield today, press can’t get to her. She has been hiding since becoming nominee. Trump is OUT there, easily attainable for answering questions. We want to ask her questions, how she will lower prices how to improve the economy, what are her plans. Trump says he will lower inflation and prices ...[text shortened]... t better”, but the plans of her administration, a chicken in every pot….what? Will she at least try?
Walz lying about carrying a gun “in war”, he never saw combat. I would go out of my way to be sure that everyone knew I did not go into combat. Liar, and catching hell. He is guilty of something known as Stolen Valor. Were y’all talking about losers ?
We’re not talking about the 24 years, we are talking about him being a liar.
And we truth finders are digging, as you go to your Clubs to make plans about free stuff. I have never been in a Club, nor on a street. Y’all should be happy to have AverageJoe for ballast!


“ Day One” priority to bring down prices is what Kamala said in a speech today. But she offered no plan to do so.


@YEAH-BOY said
You sound like an idiot
Keep reading little feller Dissect her speech today?


Trump has 24 programs on his website that he will set out to do. Economic stewardship . She is saying nothing on her website about HOW things will be done.
There are no policies listed on their website.
Trump has 24 programs listed!!!!! Camel cannot even say what the concrete issues are.
Are you weenie types (hate guns) upset that Kamle is copying Trump with the caps, his MAGA hats? The trans and LGQPILIWPYPY will NOT be happy! They are CAMO hats!!! Males will turn in their tampons for Camo hats!!!!!


The hats say Harris Walz…..that’s it. What a message! With a hat ripped off from Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Camo! Camolla!!! Kamolla!

But no plans!? What will she camo? What about my really high credit card debt!?!?


@AverageJoe1 said
Think about it. Ever since the basement.
Camino used Girl Scouts as a human shield today, press can’t get to her. She has been hiding since becoming nominee. Trump is OUT there, easily attainable for answering questions. We want to ask her questions, how she will lower prices how to improve the economy, what are her plans. Trump says he will lower inflation and prices ...[text shortened]... t better”, but the plans of her administration, a chicken in every pot….what? Will she at least try?
If Trump's harebrained ideas of across the board 10% tariffs and rounding up 10 million aliens (many of them gainfully employed) was ever implemented, he'd manage to single handedly crash the US and possibly the world economy.


@AverageJoe1 said
Think about it. Ever since the basement.
Camino used Girl Scouts as a human shield today, press can’t get to her. She has been hiding since becoming nominee. Trump is OUT there, easily attainable for answering questions. We want to ask her questions, how she will lower prices how to improve the economy, what are her plans. Trump says he will lower inflation and prices ...[text shortened]... t better”, but the plans of her administration, a chicken in every pot….what? Will she at least try?
What is the quantum signature of your alternate reality, so I can send you condolences for your inexorably worsening dementia?


@YEAH-BOY said
You sound like an idiot
you ARE an idiot...

2 edits

@no1marauder said
If Trump's harebrained ideas of across the board 10% tariffs and rounding up 10 million aliens (many of them gainfully employed) was ever implemented, he'd manage to single handedly crash the US and possibly the world economy.
LOL...you should leave things out of your realm to those that know.

Seems I remember you said the same about the US steel and aluminium industry when Trump placed tarriffs on china imports...how did that work out?

And whats wrong with American citizens getting their jobs back?


I can't find an independent economist out there that thinks Trump's economic plan is remotely coherent. Many of the policies are even in conflict, so that the plan is internally inconsistent.


Trump’s economic strategy is highly protectionist, it is also incoherent and dangerous. It is incoherent because he appears to think the tariffs he intends to impose on goods entering the US from China (and other countries) will pay for cuts in income tax. In reality, tariffs mean higher prices for US consumers, which will hurt those on low and middle incomes the most. The tax cuts will mostly benefit corporations and better-off individuals.

It is dangerous in a number of ways. For a start, there is the risk of prompting a full-blown trade war with China. Then there is the threat that higher prices for imports will drive up US inflation, leading to higher interest rates. Tough curbs on immigration are promised, and these will have the effect of reducing labour supply and adding to the upward pressure on wages.

Finally, there are likely to be consequences should Trump go ahead with his isolationist diplomatic policy: more expensive commodities and more jittery financial markets. Trump likes a weak dollar, but in the past the dollar has strengthened in times of heightened global instability, something a Trump presidency makes far more likely.

So, make the labor market tight by throwing out immigrants, AND reduce inflation. Throw up massive tariffs, AND have a weak dollar. It's a fvcking shambles.

Any idiot can promise people the moon, but only idiots will believe it.


@Mott-The-Hoople said
LOL...you should leave things out of your realm to those that know.

Seems I remember you said the same about the US steel and aluminium industry when Trump placed tarriffs on china imports...how did that work out?

And whats wrong with American citizens getting their jobs back?
Here's how they "worked out":

"We examine conventional approaches to evaluating the economic impact of protectionist trade policies. We illustrate these conventional approaches by applying them to the tariffs introduced by the Trump administration during 2018. In the wake of this increase in trade protection, the United States experienced substantial increases in the prices of intermediates and final goods, dramatic changes to its supply-chain network, reductions in availability of imported varieties, and the complete pass-through of the tariffs into domestic prices of imported goods. Therefore, the full incidence of the tariffs has fallen on domestic consumers and importers so far, and our estimates imply a reduction in aggregate US real income of $1.4 billion per month by the end of 2018. We see similar patterns for foreign countries that have retaliated with their own tariffs against the United States, which suggests that the trade war has also reduced the real income of these other countries."


"After decades of supporting free trade, in 2018 the United States raised import tariffs and major trade partners retaliated. We analyze the short-run impact of this return to protectionism on the U.S. economy. Import and retaliatory tariffs caused large declines in imports and exports. Prices of imports targeted by tariffs did not fall, implying complete pass-through of tariffs to duty-inclusive prices. The resulting losses to U.S. consumers and firms that buy imports was $51 billion, or 0.27% of GDP. We embed the estimated trade elasticities in a general-equilibrium model of the U.S. economy. After accounting for tariff revenue and gains to domestic producers, the aggregate real income loss was $7.2 billion, or 0.04% of GDP. Import tariffs favored sectors concentrated in politically competitive counties, and the model implies that tradeable-sector workers in heavily Republican counties were the most negatively affected due to the retaliatory tariffs. "


So they "worked out" exactly as modern economic theory predicts.

And those tariffs effected only a small portion of the economy, whereas Trump's oft-stated dunderheaded across the board 10% on all imports proposal would have negative impacts far beyond that fiasco.


@AverageJoe1 said
Think about it. Ever since the basement.
Camino used Girl Scouts as a human shield today, press can’t get to her. She has been hiding since becoming nominee. Trump is OUT there, easily attainable for answering questions. We want to ask her questions, how she will lower prices how to improve the economy, what are her plans. Trump says he will lower inflation and prices ...[text shortened]... t better”, but the plans of her administration, a chicken in every pot….what? Will she at least try?
Her name is Kamala.


@AverageJoe1 said
Trump has 24 programs on his website that he will set out to do. Economic stewardship . She is saying nothing on her website about HOW things will be done.
There are no policies listed on their website.
Trump has 24 programs listed!!!!! Camel cannot even say what the concrete issues are.
Are you weenie types (hate guns) upset that Kamle is copying Trump with th ...[text shortened]... IWPYPY will NOT be happy! They are CAMO hats!!! Males will turn in their tampons for Camo hats!!!!!
Her name is Kamala.

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