Originally posted by eatmybishopNo.
is the world in perfect balance?
Another way of saying "perfect balance" is "stable equlibrium". If that were the case, we would see no change, but instead we see constant change, politically, economically, socially, spiritually, biologically etc.
There is an argument that this flux is in a stable equilibrium, but this is on geological timescales, so us humans count for little in maintaining or messing up this equilibrium. (Either all goes well, or we wipe ourselves out and an algal formation reseeds life again...)
Interesting point that was once made to me, if you were to stand with your arms out horizontally, and we were to say that the distance from the fingertips on one arm to the fingertips on the other represent the length of time life has existed on earth, one swipe of a nail file would be sufficient to erase mans time here on earth. Gets you thinking.
Originally posted by eatmybishopNo. In fact, it woobles on it's rotational axis from a maximum of 24 degrees towards a minimum of 22.5 degrees.
is the world in perfect balance?
edit * ahh Agryson...seems you posted while I was typing. Nice to see you out and about. Did the bars close in France? 😉