“”I am here to implore you to take advantage of the opportunities in the USA. I can lead this country like i led myself, to great rewards. “ “Our present economy has been set up for us all to go and enjoy freedom, liberty and free enterprise, and make great lives for ourselves!”
You get my drift. This would play off of our great economy, he could turn it to his benefit, that, he could drop into Trump’s accomplishments and say that he, a dem, can take it and go with it!! He can not win by talking about putting miners and frackers out of work while he languishes at his Bahamas home. He needs to say that people can make money and be successful. What an IDIOT!!!!!!!! Set himself apart from those (other) losers wrestling on the stage.
Did anyone ever set out their plan for America
??? Trump always does.
@lemondrop saidYou talking' bout Trump? Oh. Well,, I can only tell you he is prob not giving one scintilla of love to other countries, because he is giving it all to this country.
how's the wall doing?
the nukes in north korea?
why are other countries laughing at us?
trump needs to give our allies some love
at least as much as he gives kim and putin
@AverageJoe1. But, he does give them millions, and of course , military coverage , so that they can spend their money on free medicine and 10-week vacations. Funny, i still would hate living there.
@averagejoe1 saidDid anyone ever set out their plan for America
“”I am here to implore you to take advantage of the opportunities in the USA. I can lead this country like i led myself, to great rewards. “ “Our present economy has been set up for us all to go and enjoy freedom, liberty and free enterprise, and make great lives for ourselves!”
You get my drift. This would play off of our great economy, he could turn it to ...[text shortened]... tling on the stage.
Did anyone ever set out their plan for America
??? Trump always does.
??? Trump always does.
Yes they have, many times. It's a pity you're too focused on your heaven sent creature in the White House to listen to any of them.
@mchill saidMcHill, they promise stuff that costs a lot if money. That is the ‘plan’. But they stop there, without saying how it could be possible to pay for it.
Did anyone ever set out their plan for America
??? Trump always does.
Yes they have, many times. It's a pity you're too focused on your heaven sent creature in the White House to listen to any of them.
Even Buttigieg could not get Bernie to explain it. Bernie will not answer because he has NO plan.