@mott-the-hoople saidSo now you are relegated to wishful thinking, you don't WANT the truth, you can't HANDLE the truth like Jack said.
give it about a month...the truth will start to surface
18 Apr 19
@mott-the-hoople saidHon... "media" is plural.
mueller wasn't the only investigation going on...I forgive you for not knowing,,,your msm was keeping you in the dark on those.
And no, that's not just a grammar nit.
@mott-the-hoople saidWow, would not have known if you hadn't told me. I'll have to check it out.
mueller wasn't the only investigation going on...I forgive you for not knowing,,,your msm was keeping you in the dark on those.
18 Apr 19
@shallow-blue saidhave you tried enzyte?
Hon... "media" is plural.
And no, that's not just a grammar nit.
18 Apr 19
@mott-the-hoople saidUnlike you colonials, we Europeans tend not to be grossly addicted to medicines. So, no.
have you tried enzyte?
But well done for not even bothering to think about why I want you to realise that "media" is a plural word. You're a good little Murdoch-slave.
18 Apr 19
@shallow-blue saidIm afraid it would change my life forever...let me think about it...🧐media🧐
Unlike you colonials, we Europeans tend not to be grossly addicted to medicines. So, no.
But well done for not even bothering to think about why I want you to realise that "media" is a plural word. You're a good little Murdoch-slave.
@mott-the-hoople saidSure you will. You just suck at sarcasm. Don't quit your day job.
Im afraid it would change my life forever...let me think about it...🧐media🧐