Also, different races have different rules in regards to crimes committed.
White boys have the strictest rules.
The South American Spanish are second.
The prison rules don't seem to matter when it comes to Blacks.
Once again I'm only talking about my experience in the Feds Max.
State joints could be totally different.
@earl-of-trumps saidThose damn Irish! What is to be done?
Good luck to them and the boat they came in on
@jimm619 saidGood! 🙂 He should be afraid; afraid as Arbery was when they chased him down and then murdered him for no reason. Absolutely worthless piece's of scum. And, the McMichael's dad use to be a cop; He's done. 🙂 In Georgia also, yep; even the white boys will have fun with him. 🙂 He better spend the rest of his life in PC.
Yeah, some of 'the brothers' might not be drawn to
3 Klansmen who gunned down an un armed man.
Inmates don't like child molesters either.
@jimm619 saidWere they child molesters or just murderers? Criminals treat the two types very differently. If they were child molesters they're in big trouble. If not they might clique up with other white boys on the inside. In CA the white gangs are very strong in prison; IDK about Georgia.
Yeah, some of 'the brothers' might not be drawn to
3 Klansmen who gunned down an un armed man.
Inmates don't like child molesters either.
@beowulf saidWhy don't people read LINKS?
In the Feds (Maximum Security)...no hands on other races. It will start a race war.
State joints I know nothing about.
Where are they doing their time?
Instead they choose to run their neck, as if they
know what they're talking about.
Had you read THE LINK you may have noticed it said,
that the 3 defendants were asking to serve their time
in Federal custody, rather than The Georgia State System,
where they were in fear for their lives. 😛
many of us use multiple devices and don't have the fine motor skills necessary to highlight/edit/copy/paste without a struggle. The private forums here have a "clickable link" function. Perhaps you could raise this in Site Ideas and get the whole community onside.
06 Aug 22
@athousandyoung saidDefinitely true.
He's begging to be placed in Federal prison because he's terrified of what will happen to him in Georgia State prison
No denying that 😳