14 Oct 21
@sh76 saidInteresting post, considering you're not in the habit of using obscenity on this site, and I understand obscenity filters can be a a bit extreme sometimes. It's unfortunate that a few potty mouthed folks here can't seem express to themselves in a civil manner.
I'm just exercising my freedom to write the word between now and when the word starts being considered an obscenity and being auto-deleted by obscenity filters.
14 Oct 21
@mchill saidI'm kidding around. Perhaps you missed this?
Interesting post, considering you're not in the habit of using obscenity on this site, and I understand obscenity filters can be a a bit extreme sometimes. It's unfortunate that a few potty mouthed folks here can't seem express to themselves in a civil manner.
14 Oct 21
@sh76 saidI no doubt missed it. The news has been pretty depressing and boring of late. My regularly scheduled TV time is now spent with board, pieces, and tactics book.
I'm kidding around. Perhaps you missed this?
I'll tune in again in November.
14 Oct 21
@mott-the-hoople saidBut, what did he do make people so mad? To shout that at him like that?
biden is the laughing stock world wide…the man that got more votes than anyone else in US history
14 Oct 21
@mott-the-hoople saidI think Trump holds that title hands down.
biden is the laughing stock world wide…the man that got more votes than anyone else in US history
Being in Putin's back pocket in Helsinki.
Elbowing other world leaders out of the way during a G20 photo-op.
Having other leaders (including our Canadian Prime Minister) making jokes about an American President behind his back during an open mic moment.
Making the N Korean dictator look like the adult in the room during their meeting.
Like I have said several times, every time you guys start something on our current president, there is plenty of rebuttal material out there.
But you never seem to learn.
14 Oct 21
@mghrn55 saidNor do you, about leaders with Trump's leader and people qualities .
I think Trump holds that title hands down.
Being in Putin's back pocket in Helsinki.
Elbowing other world leaders out of the way during a G20 photo-op.
Having other leaders (including our Canadian Prime Minister) making jokes about an American President behind his back during an open mic moment.
Making the N Korean dictator look like the adult in the room during their mee ...[text shortened]... our current president, there is plenty of rebuttal material out there.
But you never seem to learn.
A few points. Note that they deferred to him as he elbowed for his photo-op. So, America First, in many ways, (Biden..America last)
Of course folks joke about him. He was on top. They thought about him 24/7. You know the old saying, talk about me, just get my name right. I have told you fellers,, that what people say is irrelevant, it is what they do that is imps.
Of COURSE, he made NK dictator feel like the adult, just Trump's size could have made Trump the adult, but Trump is smart,,,,,keep in mind, they were in the dictator's country. He was negotiating, if you don't remember. So you think Trump should have acted the 6-foot adult? Done much negotiation, have you??
@mghrn55 saidthe current resident is not capable of appearing with world leaders. The WORLD is laughing at him.
I think Trump holds that title hands down.
Being in Putin's back pocket in Helsinki.
Elbowing other world leaders out of the way during a G20 photo-op.
Having other leaders (including our Canadian Prime Minister) making jokes about an American President behind his back during an open mic moment.
Making the N Korean dictator look like the adult in the room during their mee ...[text shortened]... our current president, there is plenty of rebuttal material out there.
But you never seem to learn.
14 Oct 21
@athousandyoung saidthat is wonderful, now say it with the rest of the world…f***joe biden
Brandon F is one of my favorite Anglo-American internet educators. Here he explains why British warbows could not compete with firearms despite their apparent advantages:
@mott-the-hoople saidGolly, why would they laugh at him? Have they not regarded his wonderful way with the press, with his citizens, with his checking his watch while attending the removal of bodies of murdered soldiers? With his command of any given situation? With the way he and his 'Dr' wife walk together, 10 feet apart. Cept, she aint laughing. I still say he will be melted down in about 6 months.......... After his brain has gone past 50% and speeds down.
the current resident is not capable of appearing with world leaders. The WORLD is laughing at him.
Even the democrats are looking at Biden and saying...
"Why in the hell did I vote for him?"
History will remember this as a lesson to avoid the...
"I'm voting for him because the other guy says mean things"
The USA was way better under Trump.
I can't wait to see the war in the South China Sea 😆
Has anyone seen that crazy cackling clown of a vice president?