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Bush, Cheney to Skip Convention

Bush, Cheney to Skip Convention


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No surprise to me that McCain didn't want these two idiots to give prime time speeches. The lame excuse that Bush needs to be Austin to monitor a hurricane is so absurd it's amazing the networks are running the story without a 😉

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Originally posted by no1marauder

No surprise to me that McCain didn't want these two idiots to give prime time speeches. The lame excuse that Bush needs to be Austin to monitor a hurricane is so absurd it's amazing the networks are running the story without a 😉
Didn't Bush say he was not needed when katrina happened? And now he thinks he is, what?😲

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no1marauder, weren't you one of those nimwits crying about federal response to Katrina?

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from your armchair in New York? ...

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
no1marauder, weren't you one of those nimwits crying about federal response to Katrina?
There was a federal response to Katrina? I didn't notice.

Bush can be just as "in touch" from Minneapolis as he can from Austin. He could also give a speech in Austin that through the miracle of modern technology could be broadcast from the Convention. The fact that he won't just shows that the McCain believes (correctly) that these two clowns are a millstone around his neck.

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Originally posted by zeeblebot
from your armchair in New York? ...
I wasn't President of the United States was I?

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Originally posted by no1marauder

No surprise to me that McCain didn't want these two idiots to give prime time speeches. The lame excuse that Bush needs to be Austin to monitor a hurricane is so absurd it's amazing the networks are running the story without a 😉
Actually, I think it a pretty good excuse if you ask me. I think what will hurt more than anything is Arnold S. not being there from what I hear. His excuse has to do with something far more trivial. I just wonder if is a snub more than a real excuse. After all, Arnold's popularity would be a big plus for McCain and his VP Van Palin.

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Originally posted by whodey
Actually, I think it a pretty good excuse if you ask me. I think what will hurt more than anything is Arnold S. not being there from what I hear. His excuse has to do with something far more trivial. I just wonder if is a snub more than a real excuse. After all, Arnold's popularity would be a big plus for McCain and his VP Van Palin.
McCain's 15-20 points behind in California. Maybe Arnold doesn't want to hang out with a bunch of anti-choicers and gay bashers (not good for winning elections in California).

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Originally posted by no1marauder
I wasn't President of the United States was I?
So it was bad when Bush didn't give Katrina his undivided attention, but now its lame and absurd for him to give his full attention to Gustav. Nice.

This is why he has to go. He can't win either way, but at least this way he avoids the split-screen image of Bush and Cheney celebrating at the GOP convention while people drown in the Chocolate City. It is really the only choice.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
There was a federal response to Katrina? I didn't notice.

Bush can be just as "in touch" from Minneapolis as he can from Austin. He could also give a speech in Austin that through the miracle of modern technology could be broadcast from the Convention. The fact that he won't just shows that the McCain believes (correctly) that these two clowns are a millstone around his neck.
didn't notice, from your armchair in NY.

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Originally posted by no1marauder
McCain's 15-20 points behind in California. Maybe Arnold doesn't want to hang out with a bunch of anti-choicers and gay bashers (not good for winning elections in California).
You mean hanging around a bunch of pro-lifers will hurt his reputation? I doubt it, however, I think being associated with a party that is against gay marriage might bring him down.

Really to remedy the situation McCain might consider taking some advice. Just have Palin come out on stage with Arnold in a tight leather outfit with a whip in her hand and those liberal Californian voters will be swayed at the drop of a hat!!

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Originally posted by no1marauder
There was a federal response to Katrina? I didn't notice.
Don't you remember? The National Guard was deployed to shoot the survivors.

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Just in case anyone misses the news, a lot of people are about to go through another harrowing time and a lot of other people will offer up heroic efforts to help assist their fellow human beings. I pray that their efforts will be successful and that regardless of the obvious politicizing that is already occurring over the issue, cool calm heads will prevail and people will just think and act with their hearts.

A lot of elderly and very young people are going to be in for one hell of a time. I hope they all find safety.

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Another "photo-op" President...


John McCain floating the idea that he might deliver his acceptance speech Thursday night from the area blasted by the storm.


"As long as we properly handle the Gustavication of the convention, it may be a positive," said one GOP operative. He added that with the exception of speeches by Palin and McCain "everything else is just an opportunity to make a mistake or distract from the historic nature of the ticket."

Another strategist echoed that sentiment. "Now the Republican brand out there is not so bad," he said. "The does-Bush-help-or-hurt question doesn't need to be asked or answered. And we won't be compared to the (Obama speech) 90,000-person spectacle. And most important this gives Palin time to get her feet under her."

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Originally posted by Sleepyguy
So it was bad when Bush didn't give Katrina his undivided attention, but now its lame and absurd for him to give his full attention to Gustav. Nice.

This is why he has to go. He can't win either way, but at least this way he avoids the split-screen image of Bush and Cheney celebrating at the GOP convention while people drown in the Chocolate City. It is really the only choice.
You're a complete moron if you think Bush is going to "give his undivided attention to Gustav" (his undivided attention isn't sufficient to finish a coloring book anyway). This is a convenient way for Bush and Cheney (will he be giving his "undivided attention to Gustav" too?) to avoid being seen on the same stage as McCain. The Republicans might love these idiots, but McCain knows that to be associated with them directly is political suicide. But you have to love the Republicans' complete cynicism and never ending determination to attempt to deceive the American people.

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