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Bush Sr brands Moore 'slimeball'

Bush Sr brands Moore 'slimeball'


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Former US President George Bush, father of the current president, has attacked film-maker Michael Moore as a "slimeball" for Fahrenheit 9/11.
Moore's controversial documentary makes links between the Bush family and the Bin Laden and Saudi royal dynasties.

Speaking to WCSH-TV in Maine, US, the former president said Moore was a "total ass, slimeball". He added it was "outrageous, his lies about my family".

Former US President George Bush, father of the current president, has attacked film-maker Michael Moore as a "slimeball" for Fahrenheit 9/11.
Moore's controversial documentary makes links between the Bush family and the Bin Laden and Saudi royal dynasties.

Speaking to WCSH-TV in Maine, US, the former president said Moore was a "total ass, slimeball". He added it was "outrageous, his lies about my family".

The film was a hit in the US, taking $119m (£66m) at box offices.

It alleges Saudis, including those with connections to the Bin Laden family, funded oil and arms companies run by the Bush family and their inner circle.

It claims those companies profited from the aftermath of 11 September.

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That's so outragous i had to read it twice!

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Tee hee. WCSH-TV made it onto RHP!

[good-natured rant with about as much substance as Bush's comments]

The Bushes' summer home is in my hometown (well, I come from Kennebunk, they're in neighboring Kennebunkport, but they're the same for property tax purposes), and the President spends the odd weekend in town in the summer. This causes the population to grow by a factor of five, the average driving skill to decrease proportionately, and the number of mullets in the local area to skyrocket. More seriously, a careful observer will notice heavily-armed Secret Servicemen patrolling rooftops, which does not inspire confidence given that their colleagues are busy driving around aimlessly asking for directions. One hopes that the SS decides who gets a rifle and who gets an SUV on a strictly merit basis.

I don't have a particularly well-defined criteria for calling people ''slimeballs'', because I don't do it often, but I think vast amounts of work of the type that went into ''F/911'' (which, for the record, I thought was silly) generally go further toward absolving one of slimeball status than skill in fishing while SEALS make sure you don't hook a mine does.

[/good-natured rant with about as much substance as Bush's comments]

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