Campus Conscience Police ?
by Wendy McElroy
"The Guide is yet another indication that political correctness is faltering on campuses across North America. To those who value the right of individuals to a conscience – that is, to judge right and wrong for themselves – this is welcome news.
Political correctness is the belief that certain ideas and attitudes are improper and, so, should be discouraged or prohibited by punishing those who advance them. Conversely, ideas and attitudes that are proper should be encouraged by being enforced."
"The right to judge for yourself what is true and false, what is right and wrong is a prerequisite for both freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The right of conscience is the bottom line of personal liberty itself. And it is being reasserted."
Can American students here on RHP confirm what the author is claiming ?
Well I live on a college campus, so I'll make the first response post here.
I have not seen any evidence of a speech code here (at UVM) so if there is one, it isn't enforced. However, I was irked a few weeks back when reading the innane editorials in the college newspaper, there were multiple ones about people not being politically correct enough. Just generic whining about people not being sensitive enough about women and lesbians and various other groups. I think one of them was even opposing people using the word gay in its original context, meaning happy or brightly colored. But as far as I can tell, this is just the usual whining, not any actual policy here. And people here will protest or whine about anything, whether their viewpoint makes any sense or not, as long as it is the current trendy protest.
think it was in a recent newsweek article, that a Santa Clara University study was cited .... proportions of Republican to Democratic faculty on US campuses range from 1 in 3 at low end to 1 in 30 at high end ... a physics professor was using his pulpit to expound on the war in iraq rather than physics, so a student complained .... she (the student) was an Air Force vet ...
maybe you can find it on ...