Plot Summary for
The Woodsman (2004)
"After twelve years in prison, Walter arrives in an unnamed city, moves into a small apartment across the street from an elementary school, gets a job at a lumberyard, and mostly keeps to himself. A quiet, guarded man, Walter finds unexpected solace from Vickie, a tough-talking woman who promises not to judge him for his history. But Walter cannot escape his past. A convicted sex offender, Walter is warily eyed by his brother-in-law, shunned by his sister, lives in fear of being discovered at work, and is hounded by a suspicious local police officer, Detective Lucas. After befriending a young girl in a neighborhood park, Walter must also grapple with the terrible prospect of his own reawakened demons."
Originally posted by EsotericThat really sounds like an episode of 'Millenium' I remember watching when I saw them all on DVD. That was a great series, too bad it never could really get it's feet on the ground.
Plot Summary for
The Woodsman (2004)
"After twelve years in prison, Walter arrives in an unnamed city, moves into a small apartment across the street from an elementary school, gets a job at a lumberyard, and mostly keeps to himself. A quiet, guarded man, Walter finds unexpected solace from Vickie, a ...[text shortened]... rhood park, Walter must also grapple with the terrible prospect of his own reawakened demons."
Originally posted by TurtlestackI think they should be shot in the back of the head like the mad dogs they are. They waste our airspace.
Should they be forgiven because of time served or are these crimes too terrible to allow the person to ever reintegrate with society?
They will always have the horrible urge and shatter the lives of the victims and their families.