“British MPs voted to declare that China is committing genocide against the Uyghur people in Xinjiang province.
The motion passed on Thursday does not compel the government to act but is likely to mark a further decline in relations with China. In response, Beijing’s embassy in the UK accused the MPs of having “cooked up” the motion “with a view to discrediting and attacking China”.
The post that was quoted here has been removedTut-tut, dear me, such defensiveness and spite, and it was reported in the Holy Guardian too! You were doing quite well with just the apologetics for atrocities, no need for the venom.
But yes I suppose you’re right, China is a global threat ...
“West faces 'moment of reckoning' in technology threat from China, warns GCHQ head”
There is nothing 'fanatically bigoted' about condemning the genocide committed in China against the Uyghur people, but there is something fanatically inhuman in not doing so.
The post that was quoted here has been removedYet another thing China invented before backwards Europeans could even dream of it.
I'm sure, Duchess, that you are as happy to white(!)wash the Turkish genocide of the Armenians, the USAnian genocide of native Americans, and the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians as you are the Han (that's you! Wooooh!) genocide of the Uyghurs. After all, from a distanced, rational point of view, each of them is as dishonourable and sub-human as the others.
You will publicly condone all those genocides, won't you? Or, alternatively, denounce them, and also publicly denounce your handlers in Beijing for their genocides? Or would you rather publicly admit that you are the worst hypocrite that ever walked this earth?