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Cold, meager times ahead. Biden building back worse.

Cold, meager times ahead. Biden building back worse.



Why cut off energy, raise its cost, when we are going into a cold winter? Why is there no effort to correct the supply chain, which can be done. It could be done by canceling the stupid 'build back better' program. Everything is feeding into inflation? Why throw trillions into the economy, being proven as inflationary? The want to jam through social programs, obviously so that when they lose in 2022, they will ask us to repeal the programs? It is impossible to repeal such programs.
People must buy things now because they will be more expensive tomorrow.....this means that there will be less saving of money for a rainy day, or for anything.
The libs want to normalize our standard of living, make us all be in the same boat. Stop wanting so much, go to the park and throw frisbees, Work less than the other guy. Two of my brothers were shot and killed in Chicago last night, thank God, I might have had to be in said boat with them.
Cripple a man, and then give him a crutch. I think I will invest in crutches, if I am allowed to make money.


What the FK are you talking about? You know, this covid thing has the entire planet up on edge. THOUSANDS of ocean ships stuck outside the harbors because there are not enough workers to do the work of actually unloading all those massive containers those container ships hold by the dozen.

So the entire supply chain is broken, Truckers having difficulty finding drivers to ship stuff around the country.
And it is not just here.
It is in ports all over the planet because covid kicked our ass.

But OF COURSE you would tout it all as Biden's fault when in ABSOLUTE fact it is right on the hands of Trump who downplayed the entire pandemic, it will be all over by Memorial day. Do you remember that one or did that not make the Tucker show?

Or the fact a vaccine maker had 50 million more doses than Trump bought and they offered them but Trump, bein an idiot, decided he didn't want to actually pay for the drug, which BTW is ALSO another Trump MO, DON"T PAY ANYONE FOR WORK DONE. There are architects working on his projects YEARS ago who have not gotten paid to this day and they took him to court, he goes so what, I have ten times the lawyers you do.
So those 50 million doses went to anywhere but the US.

But for a card carrying Trump cultist NONE of that matters in the slightest since you are totally hypnotized by Trump.

You have voluntarily given up your right to actually think for yourself and instead all you do is puke out whatever Trump said that day or Putin, either one, you don't care who you get your mentoring from.


To everyone, not Sonhouse, I do not say it is Trump's fault. And, Why do libs, especially the ranters, change the premise of the poster who makes the issue, the premise??
This post says Biden makes no effort whatsoever to fix the supply problem. Hope this helps. Jees o mitey.
Or, follow the above post into oblivion. Not me.


They know Biden sucks.
Kamala has a 28% approval rate.
That's terrible 😄

So instead of talking about the news of today they try to deflect by talking about Trump 🙄


@averagejoe1 said
To everyone, not Sonhouse, I do not say it is Trump's fault. And, Why do libs, especially the ranters, change the premise of the poster who makes the issue, the premise??
This post says Biden makes no effort whatsoever to fix the supply problem. Hope this helps. Jees o mitey.
Or, follow the above post into oblivion. Not me.
This post should have said that I have not said the supply mess is Biden’s fault. I haven’t. (I said Trump inerror). Issue is, what is the ever-adept Biden doing about it

2 edits

Full of shyte as usual. "BIDEN BUILDING BACK WORSE"
THAT is in your flipping TITLE.
So you are not blaming Biden?
If you watched anything besides Bretbart or Newsmax or that world class Asssshole Trucker Carlsen you would have KNOWN what Biden is doing.


They won't tell you ANYTHING about what is really going on, they just want to fill your head with bullshyte to throw doubt into America as an experiment.

What a crock, you are a flipping hypocrite ten times over.

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