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Complete list of what is caused by global warming.

Complete list of what is caused by global warming.


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There are over 500 things scientists say is caused by global warming, and none of them good.

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Now I can at least attest to one study, and that is, crabgrass is a far more looming threat today than it used to be. I know in my yard it's everywhere!!


This UC Irvine study with heat lamps on grass plots seems to be almost at a science fair level. Here’s the relevant quotes from the abstract and conclusion:

Our results suggest that an increase in temperature caused by climate change as well as the urban heat island effect may result in increases in N2O emissions from fertilized urban lawns. In addition, warming may exacerbate weed invasions, which may require more intensive management…

The increases in N2O fluxes with warming suggest that soil N2O fluxes could serve as a positive feedback to global warming in turfgrass.

In high school I cut lawns to make money during the summer, and as any lawnboy can tell you, crabgrass is far more hardy than fescue in the heat. We’d spend all summer keeping the crabgrass and other weeds at bay. So this is hardly news. What is news to me is that taxpayer funds would be wasted on such things. With “tipping points”, sea ice loss, ocean conveyor shutdowns, and a whole host of bigger things we’ve been told to worry about, I’m really surprised that anybody is wasting time worrying about our lawn quality in the apocalyptic future that has been portrayed by some. On the plus side, at least they recognize UHI, which I’m sure will upset Peterson and Parker, who tell us it doesn’t exist. – Anthony

From the Orange County Register:

Our lawns could go to the weeds as the planet warms

July 14th, 2008, 3:00 am ·Gary Robbins, Orange County Register

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UC Irvine researchers who simulated global warming at the campus arboretum say they’ve made an unexpected discovery: The additional heat caused crabgrass to flourish.

The finding came when plant ecologist Diane Pataki and graduate student Neeta Bijoor heated portions of a research lawn with infrared lamps. Other portions of the lawn weren’t heated during the study, which focused on greenhouse gas emissions.

“There were significantly more crabgrass weeds in the high temperature plots,” says Pataki. “Some of the weeds, including crabgrass, are better adapted for higher temperatures than fescue, the most common lawn grass, because they use a different type of photosynthesis.

“Our results suggest that these weeds may become more of a problem as the temperature gets warmer.”

The study, to be published in the journal Global Change Biology, says the “warming may exacerbate weed invasions, which may require more intensive management (e.g. herbicide application) to manage species composition.”

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Who here has a crabgrass problem? My guess is that only climate deniers will say it's not as big of a problem than it used to be.

But is crabgrass really all that bad? You never have to water it and it stays green all year round.


The list certainly isn't complete, it's missing "inane forum threads."


Originally posted by whodey

There are over 500 things scientists say is caused by global warming, and none of them good.
There used to be a list about that long of things that caused cancer too. 😏


Originally posted by RJHinds
There used to be a list about that long of things that caused cancer too. 😏
Now does global warming cause cancer or does cancer cause global warming?


Originally posted by whodey
Now does global warming cause cancer or does cancer cause global warming?
You'd need to consider how either scenario could be taxed.


Originally posted by Wajoma
You'd need to consider how either scenario could be taxed.
If they cause each other, you could impose a double tax.


Originally posted by whodey
Now does global warming cause cancer or does cancer cause global warming?
No one has yet figured out a specific cause for global warming. It is all speculation right now. However, skin cancer is caused by ultraviolet radiation.


how many billions of dollars would the alarmists lose if it was found to be a scam. It wont be ( found to be a scam) because if someone does not " believe" the gravy train screams "heresy". it is almost to powerful to stop. climate change has happened for millions of years. It may or may not be human induced, but(as reported in Australia) when the skeptical scientists say "excuse me", there funding stops. HELLO, does that not sound dodgy.


Originally posted by jimmac
how many billions of dollars would the alarmists lose if it was found to be a scam. It wont be ( found to be a scam) because if someone does not " believe" the gravy train screams "heresy". it is almost to powerful to stop. climate change has happened for millions of years. It may or may not be human induced, but(as reported in Australia) when the skeptical scientists say "excuse me", there funding stops. HELLO, does that not sound dodgy.
This must be a cultural difference thing, because I understand every single word you typed there, but I have absolutely no idea what you're writing about. 🙄

1 edit

Originally posted by C Hess
This must be a cultural difference thing, because I understand every single word you typed there, but I have absolutely no idea what you're writing about. 🙄
Google is our friend.

Check out the Chicago Climate Exchange

One cap and trade is up and running, it will be worth trillions. Those who benefit read like a whose who on the left, with crazy Al Gore leading the charge

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Originally posted by whodey
Those who benefit read like a whose who one the left, with crazy Al Gore leading the charge
I take it you meant to write: "...who's who on the left..."?

Not trying to criticise your grammar and spelling or anything. For all I know you wrote exactly what you meant and I just don't have a clue as to what it means.

I'll go google chicago climate exchange now.


Originally posted by C Hess
I take it you meant to write: "...who's who on the left..."?

Not trying to criticise your grammar and spelling or anything. For all I know you wrote exactly what you meant and I just don't have a clue as to what it means.

I'll go google chicago climate exchange now.
Not only will the Chicago Climate Exchange be worth trillions, according to scientists cap and trade, if fully implemented, will do next to nothing to address the supposed problem.

This is why men like Al Gore live their jet set lives driving SUV's and heating and cooling mansions around the world. They don't really believe this stuff.

The only people I respect are those who go out of their way to walk to work because they believe this stuff. Unfortunately, none of them are our policy makers.


Originally posted by C Hess
This must be a cultural difference thing, because I understand every single word you typed there, but I have absolutely no idea what you're writing about. 🙄
sorry, I will try again, there is a massive movement with massive funding based upon climate change being caused ( or at least overly assisted ) by humans.All the momentum of this funding relies upon that self belief. If the belief was to stop, so would the funding. They panic when they are challenged.
That scenario, where one "creates" the need for funding, then enjoys the fruit of the falsehood, is ( loosely described ) referred to as a gravy train. i.e, a free ride.

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