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Conservative synopsis of the real deal. Facts, children.

Conservative synopsis of the real deal. Facts, children.


2 edits

Donald Trump is being erased from the Colorado primary ballot, by warping the 14th amendment, and in a way never envisioned by its creators. So now can one be guilty by fear of confederacy-like 'insurrection', when he has never been charged with, much less convicted of, such a crime?
How can a bafoonish January 6 riot become an insurrection when no one was armed, there was no plan to seize power, and protesters were advised by the purported insurrectionist leader "to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard"?.
As far as election insurrection interference, why did liberal journalist Molly Ball label the left-wing effort to defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election a "Cabal" (e.g., "That's why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, even though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream- a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information"😉?
And why did Ball double-down and further call it a "conspiracy" ("There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protest and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans, CEOs, Silicon Valley billionaires, street protesters… Their work touched every aspect of the election. They got states to change voting systems and laws and helped secure hundreds of millions in public and private funding. They fended off voter suppression lawsuits, recruited armies of poll workers, and got millions of people to vote by mail for the first time. They successfully pressured social media companies to take a harder line against disinformation and use data driven strategy to fight viral smears.
As far as efforts to nullify the popular vote, do we remember the pathetic 2016 ensemble of C list Hollywood celebrities? They were drafted by left-wing groups to cut commercials, using the electors to reject their constitutional duties of reflecting their states, popular vote, and instead, as faithless electors, to vote instead for Hillary Clinton, the loser in their respective states popular votes.
How did they rationalize that anti-constitutional gambit? Well, remember Martin Sheen's shameless sophistry to ignore the constitution and the election results?
"As you know, our founding fathers built the electoral college to safeguard the American people from the dangers of a demagogue, and to ensure that the presidency only goes to someone who is to an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications".
So what makes a high, elected official an insurrectionist?
Current or past advocacy for using violence against the government, as represented by, say, the supreme court?.
Or, urging on more protest that had already turned violent, eventually leading to 35 deaths, 1500 injured police officers, 1- $2 billion in property damage, and a torched courthouse police headquarters, and an iconic church?
Attempting to break into the White House grounds? Sending the president into a secure underground bunker? This was when Kamala boasted about the protest that she knew they were not going to stop, her words." They're not gonna stop and this is a movement I'm telling you. They are not going to stop before election day in November and they're not going to stop after election day. Everyone should take note of that on both levels that they are not going to let up and they should not, and we should not!"
What was the senate, minority leader, Chuck Schumer, intending, when in 2020 he incited a throng at the very doors of the Supreme Court, warning of violence to come to two justices, whom he called out by name?.
"Gorsuch and Kavanaugh you will pay the price!!!" "You won't Know What Hit You!!!" Hit you, for god sakes? .IS that a threat. Did Trump threaten.
All you fellers are just pitiful mob. I will continue.
Now we have valid suppression to add to the long list of farces, hoaxes, and lies, all designed to destroy a candidate, who otherwise might win popular support for an agenda that he majority of Americans have consistently supported.
So, the left-wing Colorado justices join the Russian collusion spectacle, the alpha bank, pink hoax, the Russian disinformation, laptop ruse, the precedent- breaking two impeachments of a president in his first term, the caper of trying an ex president has a private citizen in the Senate, and the ploy of raiding an ex president at his home.
What exactly is the left doing.

The left is mightily frustrated that after controlling all the sources of information, communications, and institutions, CEOs, traditional and social media, entertainment, the Internet, Silicon Valley, academia, K-12, foundations, sports, and popular culture, etc. and having a vast advantage in fundraising and money, they still cannot stop the will of the majority.
And, the left wages law fair, because they assume the right is either too timid, too, incompetent, too preoccupied, or too principled, to reciprocate in kind,-- especially given the gloat that there were never any consequences for all the past hoaxes and ruses they perpetuated.
But this time they may have jumped the proverbial shark and shown themselves to be the true and only insurrectionists that will face the consequences of an angry public in November 2024.
There must be lawful consequences for those involved in this disgraceful, anti-American conspiracy.



Dear friends… I would simply like to see them reply in comparing Schumer on the supreme court steps, telling Cavanaugh and Gorsuch they would have hell to pay. And he said worse. But that was OK ha ha ha ha


@averagejoe1 said
Donald Trump is being erased from the Colorado primary ballot, by warping the 14th amendment, and in a way never envisioned by its creators. So now can one be guilty by fear of confederacy-like 'insurrection', when he has never been charged with, much less convicted of, such a crime?
How can a bafoonish January 6 riot become an insurrection when no one was armed, there ...[text shortened]... There must be lawful consequences for those involved in this disgraceful, anti-American conspiracy.
Stop lying.


@averagejoe1 said
Donald Trump is being erased from the Colorado primary ballot, by warping the 14th amendment, and in a way never envisioned by its creators. So now can one be guilty by fear of confederacy-like 'insurrection', when he has never been charged with, much less convicted of, such a crime?
How can a bafoonish January 6 riot become an insurrection when no one was armed, there ...[text shortened]... There must be lawful consequences for those involved in this disgraceful, anti-American conspiracy.
When you attack the government and lose… it never ends well for you.

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