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Conservatives brainless abortion laws

Conservatives brainless abortion laws



Here we go again with another round of feel good legislation. The Conservative bible thumpers in Georgia and Missouri have passed super strict anti abortion laws. Problem solved - Right? (If you believe that one, I have a bridge I'll sell you!) It's too bad these misguided folks don't realize these laws are no more going to stop abortions from happening than their stupid laws banning marijuana, liquor, and gay and lesbian relationships. All these laws are going to do is make abortions more dangerous, or simply drive women to move away where they can have them. There are just as many bible thumping Conservatives having abortions, smoking pot, engaging in gay and lesbian affairs, and drinking heavily as Liberals, and their always will be, the only difference is the Liberals are more open and honest about it. As a Christian I am disgusted at the way Conservatives disguise themselves in their church, and the dishonest way they pose themselves.


The conservatives delude themselves that when these laws go into place, people will act responsibly.
Or more accurately, the women will act more responsibly. Which has been the popular narrative. No mention of men acting responsibly.
When 2 consenting adults meet and feel the attraction, they will have sex.
That will not be stopped.
The male will carry condoms, if he is responsible.
The female will be on birth control, if she is responsible.
The conservatives will not be happy with this alternative.
Their expectation is that these laws (or God's laws) will lead to chaste lives where sex is for procreation only !!
And sex must always happen with the lights out !! 😆

Oh dear.
As I said before, humanity must not be led by people who are frightened of humanity.


To carry this narrative one step further.
Suppose something goes wrong and the woman is left to give birth to a child she doesn't want.
Then puts that child up for adoption.
Where it will be a adopted by a loving couple.
That might just happen to be a same sex couple.

Are ya feelin' it ?? Are ya ?? 😛


@mchill said
Here we go again with another round of feel good legislation. The Conservative bible thumpers in Georgia and Missouri have passed super strict anti abortion laws. Problem solved - Right? (If you believe that one, I have a bridge I'll sell you!) It's too bad these misguided folks don't realize these laws are no more going to stop abortions from happening than their stupid laws ...[text shortened]... e way Conservatives disguise themselves in their church, and the dishonest way they pose themselves.
They could not be more dangerous than in abortion clinics like Gosnell's abortion practice.

I'm convinced it's an epidemic in this country. In fact, the state turned their head concerning his defiance of clinical standards for well over 30 years. The events that surrounded him getting caught were a fluke. He should still be practicing considering what had to be done to take him down.


@mghrn55 said
The conservatives delude themselves that when these laws go into place, people will act responsibly.
Or more accurately, the women will act more responsibly. Which has been the popular narrative. No mention of men acting responsibly.
When 2 consenting adults meet and feel the attraction, they will have sex.
That will not be stopped.
The male will carry condoms, ...[text shortened]... 😆

Oh dear.
As I said before, humanity must not be led by people who are frightened of humanity.
The issue is regarding human vs. nonhuman life.

It has nothing to do with religion other than religion says murder is wrong.

I assume you believe the same.

Further, I assume you believe that the fetus is a parasite and not human, unless you are into genocide.

So is this your position?

2 edits

@whodey said
The issue is regarding human vs. nonhuman life.

It has nothing to do with religion other than religion says murder is wrong.

I assume you believe the same.

Further, I assume you believe that the fetus is a parasite and not human, unless you are into genocide.

So is this your position?
Further, I assume you believe that the fetus is a parasite and not human-

Please don't assume anything. This way you don't make an

Ass out of
u and

It has nothing to do with my "position" in either of these areas.

Since you've not bothered to read my post I'll spell it out to you in even simpler terms: Passing a law against abortions is not going to stop them.

-get it?

I could make it even simpler Whodey, but I'd need puppets and crayons.

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