When will conservatives wake up to the fact that they have no place in the federal government?
Only radical left winged loons like Bernie Sanders or narcissistic Progressive populists belong there. That's because the federal government is now an out of control centralized beast.
Let's face some facts conservatives. We are outnumbered and always have been outnumbered. Since the days of the Revolution, those fighting for freedom were small in comparison to those who did nothing. They were outnumbered and should have lost the war, but didn't.
We continue to be outnumbered, and just like in the days of the revolution we must rise up and fight for the majority who cannot fight for freedom themselves, either because they are too scared or ignorant. So how do we fight back today? I say the way to fight back is through a grass roots effort to elect state representatives. But how can we win elections if we are outnumbered? Easy, the drones have been programmed for one thing and one thing only. The walking dead only come out during Presidential elections and usually only vote for one man, the President to give them that free entitlement that will make their lives oh so much better. This is how collectivists have programmed the drones to function as they look to one man or woman for all their answers. Well it's time we expose their weakness. As the Zombie Apocalypse assembles their troops to vote for these collectivists in the federal government, we will only focus on electing men and women who will push through the Article V movement at the state level, something the drones know nothing about, nor could know because the state through public education and the press makes sure they are left ignorant. More than likely, the drones probably don't even know that the state has elected representatives.
It's really a beautiful thing. Even if state representatives are on the ballot during Presidential elections, what are the odds they will even vote for a state representative, let alone know who they are voting for? At best, they will vote for their drone candidates in the US Congress as well as voting for President. Either way, it will not hinder our efforts at the state level.
So just like in the days of the Revolution, we are outnumbered, but we still have hope. I realize most would say it's too late, it's too hard, etc., etc., etc., I would only retort, what choice do we have?
As Bernie continues to beat up on Hillary who will still win the nomination, just know this, even though Bernie will loose the nomination, it is apparent that his ilk is just around the corner from seizing power. In fact, Hillary will not be that much different from the crazed lunatic Bernie Sanders that is running now.
At the federal level, it will only wax worse and worse. There is no reform at the federal level. It's time to face reality.
Originally posted by KazetNagorraYour commentary gets better every day it seems.
Boo hoo.
Does anyone find it odd that no one in the press refers to candidates like Bernie Sanders as "the radical left"? However, Cruz is continually demonized as "the radical right"?
The corrective measures that are employed, against this winning ideology of failure is now always going to be viewed as extreme
At what point will people stop voting for the shmuck that offers them the next great "free" entitlement?
Speaking of which, how is Obamacare doing for everyone? Bernie Sanders seems to love it. 😵
And what of the "free" Obamaphone? Does it still work?
Originally posted by whodeyReally, you never managed to find anyone describing Sanders as "the radical left"? Did you hear that claim somewhere in the media, perhaps? Perhaps from the same source who claimed that Cruz is "continually demonized" as "the radical right"?
Your commentary gets better every day it seems.
Does anyone find it odd that no one in the press refers to candidates like Bernie Sanders as "the radical left"? However, Cruz is continually demonized as "the radical right"?
The corrective measures that are employed, against this winning ideology of failure is now always going to be viewed as extreme
...[text shortened]... Bernie Sanders seems to love it. 😵
And what of the "free" Obamaphone? Does it still work?
Originally posted by whodeyAnd your alternative is what? Go back to the days of the wild west where frontier justice including public lynchings were commonplace with little evidence to back them up, and everyone traded in gold, silver, and little bags of salt? Wake up Whodey, it's one thing to whine about "freedom" it's quite another to live it without the many things you take for granted everyday such as a stable currency, a justice system, an army to protect you, and police and firefighters to do their job. If you really want "freedom" Whodey there are a number of uninhabited islands around the world you can call your own. I don't think you'd last very long in them through. I'm so very sorry if our GOVERNMENT offends you Whodey, but if you don't like it...leave!😲
When will conservatives wake up to the fact that they have no place in the federal government?
Only radical left winged loons like Bernie Sanders or narcissistic Progressive populists belong there. That's because the federal government is now an out of control centralized beast.
Let's face some facts cons ...[text shortened]... ll only wax worse and worse. There is no reform at the federal level. It's time to face reality.
Originally posted by whodeyIt is indeed heart breaking. I love the old USA, but it hasn't been right in a long time. It is beyond repair, too many bridges have been burned and I am resolved to remind myself that this world is not my home.
When will conservatives wake up to the fact that they have no place in the federal government?
Only radical left winged loons like Bernie Sanders or narcissistic Progressive populists belong there. That's because the federal government is now an out of control centralized beast.
Let's face some facts cons ...[text shortened]... ll only wax worse and worse. There is no reform at the federal level. It's time to face reality.
Originally posted by whodeybla bla bla
When will conservatives wake up to the fact that they have no place in the federal government?
Only radical left winged loons like Bernie Sanders or narcissistic Progressive populists belong there. That's because the federal government is now an out of control centralized beast.
Let's face some facts cons ...[text shortened]... ll only wax worse and worse. There is no reform at the federal level. It's time to face reality.
Originally posted by checkbaiterCan you be specific about what was so great about 1776 and the way in which the constitution and the Declaration of Independence are going to be soon "extinct"?
1776, The soon to be extinct Constitution, the soon to be extinct Declaration of Independence, etc
Originally posted by checkbaiterPerhaps I will not, but surely in that case you can still explain your position, no? It's not obvious to me what was so great about the "old" America especially when you bring up an era in which the average American lived in dire poverty - if not slavery.
If you don't see it by now you never will..