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Constructing Mohammed / Islam

Constructing Mohammed / Islam


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In view of some of the "thoughts" on Mohammed / Islam aired lately in this forum, I thought it might be interesting to investigate how such constructions are arrived at. Feel free to contribute your ideas no matter how scathing or downright barmy...balanced views are a plus.

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i am 100% secular but i think that a major step would be achieved if we could get all the different religions that worship a god to agree that theirs are all the SAME ONE.

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Originally posted by tiggr
i am 100% secular but i think that a major step would be achieved if we could get all the different religions that worship a god to agree that theirs are all the SAME ONE.
..But that is what we are all supposed to acknowledge

All of God’s Prophets bought the same message when people on earth begin to move away from the words of God All Mighty.

The 3 main religions and their messengers; Moses, Jesus and Mohammad (peace be on them) all said…. Believing in the one God.

That is why people have to follow the lineage of the Prophets.

Religion is very simple, its people and their greed which has made things so ‘complicated’ now.

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Originally posted by tiggr
i am 100% secular but i think that a major step would be achieved if we could get all the different religions that worship a god to agree that theirs are all the SAME ONE.
I think the language of religion should be dismantled
piece by piece so that circular, self-supporting constructs
like 'God is' don't get any more credence.

Next time I hear 'God is', I want to know where he is,
what he's doing and why he's late.

edit - and while we're at it, we can do away with all this
Allahu Akhbar nonsense too ('God is great'😉.
I mean isn't the whole point of assigning a word to symbolise
an all encompassing being enough? We gotta know that
he's great too?? Compared to what exactly?
To say that he's great implies that he might of somehow
turned out to be a bit of a below average omnipotence.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
In view of some of the "thoughts" on Mohammed / Islam aired lately in this forum, I thought it might be interesting to investigate how such constructions are arrived at. Feel free to contribute your ideas no matter how scathing or downright barmy...balanced views are a plus.
My masterplan would centre itself around Jerusalem.
Yes. Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel.
Yes. Jerusalem should also be the capital of Palestine.

Now, that's where we would start. We make Jerusalem a duel capital city.
Then we make it the religious 1st /2nd capital of most major religions (Judism (first capital), Islam (second after Mecca) and Christianity (second after Rome).

Then we make Jerusalem the capital of the world by moving the UN head-quarters from New York to it.

This will bring major jobs and prosperity to the region, a lot of which will help the Palestinians to become a viable nation.

It's easy for me to say, but I'd even go one step further and get try to convince the moslims that the Dome of the rock should be a place for worship for Jews on Sabbath and for Christians on the Sunday as well as their own religion.
Make it the first multi-religious temple of worship in the world.
Obviously the price for such a convienience to the holiest of holies will be along the lines of de-segregation, the removal of the wall around Gaza and free movement of Palestinians and Jews (basically two parliments in one country, much like Scotland, Wales and England at this moment in time).

Islamic aggression towards the West (read: the West and Israel) has nothing to do with religion, but all to do with economics and equality.
If you want to stop the aggression, these are the issues you must confront.
Trying to change their faith is only proving the extremists point.

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Originally posted by shavixmir
My masterplan would centre itself around Jerusalem.
Yes. Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel.
Yes. Jerusalem should also be the capital of Palestine.

Now, that's where we would start. We make Jerusalem a duel capital city.
Then we make it the religious 1st /2nd capital of most major religions (Judism (first capital), Islam (second after Mec ...[text shortened]... ssues you must confront.
Trying to change their faith is only proving the extremists point.
You know, I've thought about that many times. My solution would also involve making Jerusalem an international territory, and putting the UN in charge of it. Moving the UN there is a nice idea.

It seems that a city so important to the people of the Book should not be part of any country. Peace to the world. Sweet.

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Originally posted by Bosse de Nage
In view of some of the "thoughts" on Mohammed / Islam aired lately in this forum, I thought it might be interesting to investigate how such constructions are arrived at. Feel free to contribute your ideas no matter how scathing or downright barmy...balanced views are a plus.
Is it true that people following other faiths in Muslim countries are persecuted. If so, is this right?

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Is it true that anyone born a Muslim (through no fault of their own) who decides he wants to be (say) a Christian is the liable to be killed for the sin of apostacy? A bit harsh don't you think?

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Originally posted by shavixmir
My masterplan would centre itself around Jerusalem.
Yes. Jerusalem should be the capital of Israel.
Yes. Jerusalem should also be the capital of Palestine.

Now, that's where we would start. We make Jerusalem a duel capital city.
Then we make it the religious 1st /2nd capital of most major religions (Judism (first capital), Islam (second after Mec ...[text shortened]... ssues you must confront.
Trying to change their faith is only proving the extremists point.
Not bad.

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Originally posted by sjeg
You know, I've thought about that many times. My solution would also involve making Jerusalem an international territory, and putting the UN in charge of it. Moving the UN there is a nice idea.

It seems that a city so important to the people of the Book should not be part of any country. Peace to the world. Sweet.
Who knows if enough people start believing it will happen, instead of the standard littany pointing out why it won't then who knows. I believe that most people would affirm peace. The reasons for it usually not happening is people just talking themselves out of it. And er naked aggression, but apart from that........

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