@shavixmir saidI don't trust fools who never take a holiday.
Well, well, well… 9 out of 10 are European countries… and the orher… is… the USA.
No kidding. Obviously.
It’s Russia.
Yes. Even Russia has a better work-life balance…
The Company doesn't give a damn about your "sacrifice".
"I see here, Matheson, that you took 5 days "personal time" last year. In a row. What were you thinking?"
@shavixmir saidAt w;hat cost, though? We are HUGE into liberty, freedom , and that pesky self-reliance.
Well, well, well… 9 out of 10 are European countries… and the orher… is… the USA.
No kidding. Obviously.
It’s Russia.
Yes. Even Russia has a better work-life balance…
Here's one for you Shav. I say 'loser' on occasion. Let's say a guy lives across the street and is self reliant, in that he does not recieve any support whatsoever in the form of cash or its equivalent from the government.
I live across from him and get checks ( not SS , which is my saved money) from the government.
Which of us guys is closer to fit the definition of a loser? No other factors considered, of course. One is more dependent than the other, if you need a hint.
@suzianne saidHey, Sue. Great post. Can you believe that Shav had the guts to throw such an issue to capitalist free liberty-loving independent Americans. Maybe he meant it for his socialist buddies.
I don't trust fools who never take a holiday.
The Company doesn't give a damn about your "sacrifice".
"I see here, Matheson, that you took 5 days "personal time" last year. In a row. What were you thinking?"
While I have you, do you know anyone who is a dependent? I don't of course, I don't even know anyone laden with a tattoo. No one.
@shavixmir saidIs "best work-life balance" the same as "least work"?
Well, well, well… 9 out of 10 are European countries… and the orher… is… the USA.
No kidding. Obviously.
It’s Russia.
Yes. Even Russia has a better work-life balance…
If not, how does it differ?
@wildgrass saidYeah, I am not a link guy. Witness, how you recently answered me (what lie did Carlson tell) by sending a link instead of writing out his lie. Weird, WGrass.
Is "best work-life balance" the same as "least work"?
If not, how does it differ?
So, I dont care for the link, but would interested for Shav to put in his own words how these countries have life balance, together with freedom, liberty, independence and small government at the same time. (Emphasis on small government, that could be a stickler when Shav writes back)
@averagejoe1 saidUh? At what cost? A better life-work balance… there is no cost. It’s a benefit.
At w;hat cost, though? We are HUGE into liberty, freedom , and that pesky self-reliance.
Here's one for you Shav. I say 'loser' on occasion. Let's say a guy lives across the street and is self reliant, in that he does not recieve any support whatsoever in the form of cash or its equivalent from the government.
I live across from him and get checks ( not SS , wh ...[text shortened]... No other factors considered, of course. One is more dependent than the other, if you need a hint.
@shavixmir saidA BS poll with a BS anti-US agenda from the pseud known as shag doody for brains, yes, yes it is. Lived and worked in the US for 5 years, they're not so different from anyone else. Took plenty of time off no questions asked, as did others.
Well, well, well… 9 out of 10 are European countries… and the orher… is… the USA.
No kidding. Obviously.
It’s Russia.
Yes. Even Russia has a better work-life balance…
Know something shag doody, if you enjoy your work you'll never work a day in your life. But if at the back of your mind there's always lurking the knowledge you're a parasite, as much as you try to suppress it, it's always there.
@shavixmir saidcountries that do not have the freedom to speak freely about their govt
Well, well, well… 9 out of 10 are European countries… and the orher… is… the USA.
No kidding. Obviously.
It’s Russia.
Yes. Even Russia has a better work-life balance…
@shavixmir saidSpoken by the guy who relishes not working 4 weeks a year. I would not hire someone who is happy not being productive. No offense.
Uh? At what cost? A better life-work balance… there is no cost. It’s a benefit.
And there is a cost. Govt infusion, such as that. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. To float around on lily pads and be oh, so happy, would have to involve governement controls, so everyone is happy. Equal. Usually, if some is oh so happy, like the losers who get their loans paid off, someone else (who is paying) is not so happy. That would be me.
Hmmmmmm...What is a benefit? You left that hanging. What is a benefit?
@shavixmir saidIf work-life balance is just less work for the same pay, then there is a cost.
Uh? At what cost? A better life-work balance… there is no cost. It’s a benefit.
Since taking office in December, Javier Milei has cut the number of government ministries from 18 to eight and fired over 50 percent of all government workers.
Some goobermint parasites will be enjoying a great work/life balance.
@wildgrass saidless work for same pay is not human nature, little feller. Who says a guy will work less for same pay? The govt? The guy who works? What, ..please...are you saying.? If the worker works for me...LESS for me, I would not pay him the same.
If work-life balance is just less work for the same pay, then there is a cost.
You libs are pitiful. People have worked under certain concepts for 10,000 years. But you have a new concept, ..."work Less and still be paid the same when you were working more'. Do you see how utterly ridiculous you are? Even your fellow libs are embarrassed wtih your post.
@wajoma saidI would like to say to you libs that when we use the word parasite, we don't mean it in a mean-spirited way, but the def thereof pretty much describes getting money and production from other people.........................which you most certainly do. I can swear to you that I know no one personally that does that.
Since taking office in December, Javier Milei has cut the number of government ministries from 18 to eight and fired over 50 percent of all government workers.
Some goobermint parasites will be enjoying a great work/life balance.
So, the def comes easily to me.