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COVID-19: is God taking revenge for people fukking the planet?

COVID-19: is God taking revenge for people fukking the planet?



Looks like it.


@shavixmir said
Looks like it.
I'm not convinced that an entirely fictitious deity can be blamed for the virus.


@ghost-of-a-duke said
I'm not convinced that an entirely fictitious deity can be blamed for the virus.
But you can’t be sure he isn’t either.

Just look at all the right-wingers on this forum. If you were God, wouldn’t you want to wipe them out?


@ghost-of-a-duke said
I'm not convinced that an entirely fictitious deity can be blamed for the virus.
blame it on the bossa nova


@shavixmir said
But you can’t be sure he isn’t either.

Just look at all the right-wingers on this forum. If you were God, wouldn’t you want to wipe them out?
god destroyed the city of sodom because of the queers there.
left wingers embrace queers...so god hates YOU!
god never destroyed a city due to right wing politics.
in fact god loved it when two sides fought for dominance in the old testament.


@moderning said
god destroyed the city of sodom because of the queers there.
left wingers embrace queers...so god hates YOU!
god never destroyed a city due to right wing politics.
in fact god loved it when two sides fought for dominance in the old testament.
God destroyed Gomorrah because the people there were greedy.

The story about Gomorrah goes like this:

A poor merchant was trying to sell his wares in in Gomorrah. So a rich guy writes his own name on some money and gives it to the poor merchant as payment for his goods. When the poor merchant tries to spend the money, it is confiscated and returned to the rich man whose name was on the money. The poor man is thrown in prison for theft.

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@moderning said
god destroyed the city of sodom because of the queers there.
left wingers embrace queers...so god hates YOU!
god never destroyed a city due to right wing politics.
in fact god loved it when two sides fought for dominance in the old testament.

However, what makes them sinful according to our Sages is not sexual desire or lust, but rather their desire to abuse and humiliate other human beings because they are strangers in their midst. The two messengers could just has easily have been women and the people’s response would have been the same. The Sages teach us that only the wealthy were welcome as guests in Sodom. The poor were to be expelled or killed.

...midrash tells us that Lot’s daughter was convicted of giving bread to a poor person each time she went to the well for water and, as the people began her execution, she cried out to God. It was this cry that reached God and prompted God to send the messengers (angels) to Sodom and Gomorrah to see if their sin was as great as her cry would imply.

In his book of Torah commentary Jewish Values in an Open Society, the economist and business ethicist Meir Tamari writes about the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah as the sin of “Economic Egoism.” He reminds us that according to our Sages the greed and desire for wealth on the part of the residents was insatiable. Anyone who got in their way, such as a poor person who might ask for some of their money or food, was expendable. All common human decencies were anathema to the Sodomites.


The callousness of the residents that was so infectious was based on this desire to always have more for oneself - more money, more land, more jewels, more servants. No thought was given to what others had. No one cared about helping those less fortunate. “What’s mine is mine and what’s yours is yours” was the ethic of Sodom and Gomorrah (Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers 5:11).

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Oh, look. Another sock puppet. How novel.


@moderning said
god destroyed the city of sodom because of the queers there.
left wingers embrace queers...so god hates YOU!
god never destroyed a city due to right wing politics.
in fact god loved it when two sides fought for dominance in the old testament.
Christ ... another one.


Some people will believe pretty much anything, more so if it happens to be a lie!


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@athousandyoung said
God destroyed Gomorrah because the people there were greedy.

The story about Gomorrah goes like this:

A poor merchant was trying to sell his wares in in Gomorrah. So a rich guy writes his own name on some money and gives it to the poor merchant as payment for his goods. When the poor merchant tries to spend the money, it is confiscated and returned to the rich man whose name was on the money. The poor man is thrown in prison for theft.

Were you part of the Fidel Castro/Bernie Sanders literacy program?


@moderning said
god destroyed the city of sodom because of the queers there.
left wingers embrace queers...so god hates YOU!
god never destroyed a city due to right wing politics.
in fact god loved it when two sides fought for dominance in the old testament.
Sounds like a pretty sh* god.

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@hakima said
Sounds like a pretty sh* god.
Sounds like a bunch of Bible illiterate lemmings if you ask me.

The Bible says that some "strangers", who looked like men but were really angelic beaings, went to Lots house. When the men of Sodom saw them they followed them to Lots house and then demanded Lot to hand them over so they could gang rape them.

Well, to make a long story short, God shortly afterward removed Lot and his family and the angelic beings and introduced the inhabitants of Sodom to fire and brimstones and showed them the penalty for becoming such violent amoral freaks of nature, and the best part of all, the education was free!



@wolfgang59 said
Christ ... another one.
shag doody for brains is whom's bought the topic of god bothering to the debates board, he hasn't been getting enough attention lately. No surprises then when the god botherers R E S P O N D.

The other problem for shag doody is that the planet isn't getting mucked up.

Double fail for shag doody for brains.


@moderning said
god destroyed the city of sodom because of the queers there.
left wingers embrace queers...so god hates YOU!
god never destroyed a city due to right wing politics.
in fact god loved it when two sides fought for dominance in the old testament.
Yadda, yadda, yadda...

God’s killing everyone over 80. Most of them republican and tory.
He’s not doing that because he loves gun ownership.

Yer goin’ tae hell, and yer gonna cough all the way doon!

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