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Crackpot weirdo yanks

Crackpot weirdo yanks



I frequent two fora online:
This one and a warhammer fantasy forum (well.... sort of... since Games Workshop exploded the game, I hardly ever go there anymore).

And I can't help but notice that on both fora, the American contigency is very verbal (in the face), extremely right-wing and completely void of anything resembling rationality.

Why is this?
I lived in the US and, besides one camp manager who was an exact copy of the drill seargent in Full Metal Jacket.... (needlessly to say that ended with me hitchhiking to the Bronx), everyone I met was absolutely lovely, didn't own guns, religious (most of them) and non-judgemental about different people and morals.

So, how come these fora attract so many whack-jobs?
I say that with the greatest respect, but to most Europeans, Asians and Aussies I know, their opinions and theories are so far out of the ball field, it's like communicating with handicapped children at a 2001: a space osdessy convention.

Why are they here???


Originally posted by shavixmir
I frequent two fora online:
This one and a warhammer fantasy forum (well.... sort of... since Games Workshop exploded the game, I hardly ever go there anymore).

And I can't help but notice that on both fora, the American contigency is very verbal (in the face), extremely right-wing and completely void of anything resembling rationality.

Why is this? ...[text shortened]... g with handicapped children at a 2001: a space osdessy convention.

Why are they here???
Because they're from 'MURICA! F- YEAH!!


6 edits

Originally posted by shavixmir
I frequent two fora online:
This one and a warhammer fantasy forum (well.... sort of... since Games Workshop exploded the game, I hardly ever go there anymore).

And I can't help but notice that on both fora, the American contigency is very verbal (in the face), extremely right-wing and completely void of anything resembling rationality.

Why is this? ...[text shortened]... g with handicapped children at a 2001: a space osdessy convention.

Why are they here???
Count all the people on this site who fit your description;


Honestly, that's most of the right-wingers who frequently post here. Robbie Carrobie is another frequent r-wing poster, but lately, has been distancing himself from the extremism of Reps here (and hes not even a "Yank" anyway). Really, there's only four regular Whodey-like conservatives. We can name far more regular liberal posters (Zahlanzi, No1, Finnegan, Suzianne, myself, Shav, Sonhouse, Twhitehead, etc.).

Yet, conservatives here appear to be an army. It's like everywhere else: a vocal minority gets a lot of attention, making it seem like they're more numerous than they really are.

Honestly, there aren't that many regular posters on this forum. I'd say the number of regular Debate Forum posters are about eleven, give or take. Even then, the liberals clearly outnumber the conservatives; but, conservatives here dwarf everyone else in propaganda-laced threads full of fake news.


Originally posted by shavixmir

So, how come these fora attract so many whack-jobs?
I say that with the greatest respect, but to most Europeans, Asians and Aussies I know, their opinions and theories are so far out of the ball field, it's like communicating with handicapped children at a 2001: a space osdessy convention.

Why are they here???
Did you ever take a look in the metaphorical mirror shav?

I guess you're trying to be humorous by denigrating handicapped children. There are many types of 'handicaps' a person might face, some do not mean their mind is any less sharp than the average Joe and several orders of magnitude brighter than you.


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Originally posted by vivify
..Yet, conservatives here appear to be an army. It's like everywhere else: a vocal minority gets a lot of attention, making it seem like they're more numerous than they really are...
I think debates perfectly exemplifies the 80/20 rule which among other observations suggests that 20% of the people will make 80% of the complaints or that 20% of the people in any organization tend to do about 80% of the work etc...

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