I hate it when the weak minded just give up! I am looking for a battle here. Not a Prdatf bullshi# retreat.
Come on you animal worshiping dudes. Tell me why you are better than me! Tell me why you are smarter and more agile than I!
Oh. Never mind. Forgot. The only things you know are from your scriptures. On the Internet.
I know.
My family milked cows in Star Valley for eighty years. Getting two cents per gallon. They grew three tons of hay per cow per year in order to accomplish this miracle.
They fought off commies who tried to take their land. They learned each new science... how to defeat disease.
They taught me to love freedom. To laugh at those who see no use for it. So I do laugh.
But I feel sad.
Where did the notion of I can do as I wish go wrong? Where did this freedom die?
I Know. But I will not tell
If you want or need freedom, it is up to you to discover and preserve it. If you think it worthy of same.
It is like a child walking toward a hot stove. I can only watch as you blunder into the Idea of Geez! Why did those guys march into sure death\
because they are heros
Patriots who know that freedom comes at the cost of blood. Lots of blood. Not always reasonable. Not always
ight. Just blood.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyballs of hay?? doing it against all corners??? are you one???? or a gawker??????? seems the fresh air you yokels claim to breath afects worse than city smog. Still you may have time on your side to get better.
And doing it against all comers. Are you one? Or just a gawker?
Thought so. No balls.
Originally posted by StarValleyWyOh god.....
I hate it when the weak minded just give up! I am looking for a battle here. Not a Prdatf bullshi# retreat.
Come on you animal worshiping dudes. Tell me why you are better than me! Tell me why you are smarter and more agile than I!
Oh. Never mind. Forgot. The only things you know are from your scriptures. On the Internet.
I know.
My ...[text shortened]... the cost of blood. Lots of blood. Not always reasonable. Not always
ight. Just blood.
Originally posted by stokerIt's like Churchill said... "I am but drunk. And on the morrow I will be sober. But you sir... will still be stupid."
balls of hay?? doing it against all corners??? are you one???? or a gawker??????? seems the fresh air you yokels claim to breath afects worse than city smog. Still you may have time on your side to get better.
Testing the censors. Notice the historical reference that virtually everyone considers clever based on looks. Hoping for the best.