For the longest time on this forum, racists claim that all their derogatory statements about blacks, Muslims, Latinos, etc., are just "telling the truth". When it comes to CRT, these same racists claim CRT shouldn't be taught because it hurts their feelings.
So "truth" is fine if those claims denigrate minorities but don't teach CRT, it might make whites feel bad.
Let's just let that sink in.
23 Jan 22
@vivify saidVery good........They'll not comment
For the longest time on this forum, racists claim that all their derogatory statements about blacks, Muslims, Latinos, etc., are just "telling the truth". When it comes to CRT, these same racists claim CRT shouldn't be taught because it hurts their feelings.
So "truth" is fine if those claims denigrate minorities but don't teach CRT, it might make whites feel bad.
Let's just let that sink in.
@vivify saidAbsolutely.
For the longest time on this forum, racists claim that all their derogatory statements about blacks, Muslims, Latinos, etc., are just "telling the truth". When it comes to CRT, these same racists claim CRT shouldn't be taught because it hurts their feelings.
So "truth" is fine if those claims denigrate minorities but don't teach CRT, it might make whites feel bad.
Let's just let that sink in.
The idea of "white privilege" is also too bizarre for them, yet all too real for everyone else.
A little looking at the world through the eyes of those they denigrate would be an eye-opener for them. Or at least one might hope so.