@gratis-pawn saidNo, that's a Corvette death.
In the states a guy can get hit by a car and they classify his death as a covid death.
Blaming China doesn't get us anywhere. We need to work together to beat the virus.
@earl-of-trumps saidEven if I will be marked a racist. I would wait on my verdict in Africa about how the number of death developed in hindsight.
So how come many nations of Africa have very low C19 cases?
Do they have the same approach towards masks, social distancing, and self-quarantines as ethnic Chinese people?
Africa is sadly enough far behind in both quality of health care and quality of administration. The responsability lies mainly with European colonialimsm and (Western and Soviet) post-colonial support for strong-men.
Furthermore African population suffers from lower life expectancy than nearly everywhere else and consequently fewer elder people.
So it is a comparison of apples and oranges.
OK I found a source: Markus Söder (Ministerpräsident in Bavaria) has thought about this:
I know that the Sinovac has been certified for Hungary I am not sure that any certification is applied for in Germany.