So let's see if I have this straight --
The recent Democratic drumbeat is that the government will collapse under the sequester. That's obviously false because the "cut" amounts to a reduction in growth, not an actual cut. So all services could remain exactly the same.
BUT that would not serve the Democratic agenda to spend more and more money to buy votes SO at the same moment as the sequester (not because of it) they plan to cut services by laying off productive staff and retaining administrators and paper-pushers all across government.
A short while ago, Democrats were accusing Republicans of holding the American public hostage. Didn't take long for them to adopt exactly the same tactic, though, did it?
Originally posted by spruce112358No, I'm afraid you don't have this "straight." The Democrats want budget cuts and tax increases for the rich, while the GOP wants only budget cuts, while the rich escape having to pay an extra penny in taxes (and of course get to keep all their tax loopholes) , and if the GOP does not get everything they want, they vote against it. The sequester is simply a bi-product of this deadlock.😏
So let's see if I have this straight --
The recent Democratic drumbeat is that the government will collapse under the sequester. That's obviously false because the "cut" amounts to a reduction in growth, not an actual cut. So all services could remain exactly the same.
BUT that would not serve the Democratic agenda to spend more and more money to ...[text shortened]... public hostage. Didn't take long for them to adopt exactly the same tactic, though, did it?
Originally posted by bill718Except that the Democrats already got their tax increases for the rich -- without a single penny in spending cuts -- earlier this year.
No, I'm afraid you don't have this "straight." The Democrats want budget cuts and tax increases for the rich, while the GOP wants only budget cuts, while the rich escape having to pay an extra penny in taxes (and of course get to keep all their tax loopholes) , and if the GOP does not get everything they want, they vote against it. The sequester is simply a bi-product of this deadlock.😏
The GOP hasn't gotten anything they want so far.