So this guy comes along and says that he can cover millions of more people with health care, and at the same time, say that your premiums will go down and that you can keep the same health coverage and same doctor.
And you say, sign me up!!!
Yet they never learn, do they? Democrats will forever believe any talking head of the DNC no matter what they say.
So by all means democrats, continue to support the nanny state and its supposed war on poverty, and then watch the middle class disappear and poverty increase as they go along. Don't strain yourselves to make the connection between those in power and the declining standard of living and increasing wealth gaps, cause we all know the Tea Party is to blame.
Originally posted by whodeyI don't think that is any dumber than saying that you need to pass a law so that you can see what is in the law.
So this guy comes along and says that he can cover millions of more people with health care, and at the same time, say that your premiums will go down and that you can keep the same health coverage and same doctor.
And you say, sign me up!!!
Yet they never learn, do they? Democrats will forever believe any talking head of the DNC no matter what they sa ...[text shortened]... ning standard of living and increasing wealth gaps, cause we all know the Tea Party is to blame.
The Dems certainly treat people as if they are dumb. Dems think that people do not know how to save money (Social Security). Dems think that people do not know how to shop for health insurance (Odumbocare). Dems think that people do not know that big gulps are bad for your (that NY law). Dems think that people are too stupid to know how to use guns responsibly (all those gun control laws).
If you had noticed, anyone the DNC puts up to run as President is pictured as an intellectual god. This is because he or she is required to not only run the world, but also decide the very minute details of your life, such as what doctor you should see and how your children are educated. In fact, this is what collectivists world wide do as well. This is why men such as Lenin and Mao are put under glass as if they are an immortal paternal god that will always be with them.
Conversely, their opponents are pretty much always pictured as idiots.
Originally posted by whodeyAs I've said many time before whodey...we're STILL waiting to hear your solution.🙄
So this guy comes along and says that he can cover millions of more people with health care, and at the same time, say that your premiums will go down and that you can keep the same health coverage and same doctor.
And you say, sign me up!!!
Yet they never learn, do they? Democrats will forever believe any talking head of the DNC no matter what they sa ...[text shortened]... ning standard of living and increasing wealth gaps, cause we all know the Tea Party is to blame.
Originally posted by bill718I've told you numerous times Bill, must I tell you again?
As I've said many time before whodey...we're STILL waiting to hear your solution.🙄
My guess is you have no interest or you have a very short term memory.
I'll tell you what, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you have a short term memory.
My solution is to have 2/3 of the states amend the Constitution to cut into the power of the federal government. The first goal will be to impose term limits on a Congressional body with only a 5% approval rating, but still seem to get elected anyway. Then they should impose a balanced budget amendment. This constraint is crucial if we are to curb the power of a federal entity that just prints money out its arse and throws it at the world to do its bidding.
As it stands now, the movement is under way and we only need 5 more states.
I believe now is the time to scream that I'm a right winged extremist Nazi Bill.
Originally posted by whodeyeveryone is getting dumber on average
So this guy comes along and says that he can cover millions of more people with health care, and at the same time, say that your premiums will go down and that you can keep the same health coverage and same doctor.
And you say, sign me up!!!
Yet they never learn, do they? Democrats will forever believe any talking head of the DNC no matter what they sa ...[text shortened]... ning standard of living and increasing wealth gaps, cause we all know the Tea Party is to blame.
its a sorry sight to see